2004/03/25, 09:51 PM
This is my first time seeking help on the web for my weight. Can anyone help me be telling me ways that I might read about the legitamcy of this website. Any recommendations on how I can utilize this service in the most efficient way?
2004/03/26, 12:15 AM
This website <message boards> are mostly populated with people like you, we are here looking to better ourselves, either through weight loss <raises hand> or body building <points at hubby> Alot of peeps here are certified trainers so you can be sure that you are getting good advise and that this isn't some kind of rip off/product pushers sight. We all have workouts/products we like but all agree that it all begins with healthy eating and excersize no matter what your goal is. I hope that you find all the info you require, if you have questions ask, that is what these boards are for! Oh, yeah, after all that rambling almost forgot the most important part of the post. . . WELCOME to FT!!!
-------------- Love me as I am . . .
Let me worry about how I look!
2004/03/26, 07:30 AM
Can you be a little more detailed by what you mean? What kind of proof are you looking for?
2004/03/26, 07:40 AM
Welcome to FT.
Paper never refused ink and the wweb is the same, so I can understand your trepidation.
This site is created by professional trainers/bodybuilders and doesn't seek to sell you anything (except the upgrade to professional version, which is worth all the cool extra features).
The information here tends to be well thought out, but if you don't believe what you are being told, you can do research on specific topics and I think you will find most of us are knowledgable and up-to-date on our topics of expertise.
People here also tend to refer to someone with more expertise when they are uncomfortable answering a specific question.
As far as legitimacy, what do you mean? The upgrade to professional is handled through paypal, which is a legitimate service.
You can utilize the information on this website by filling out your profile, choosing a beginning workout routine and educating yourself by reading the different resource information available and taking part in the message boards.
Good luck!
-------------- If you fall down seven times, get up eight.
2004/03/26, 04:41 PM
If you scroll down to the bottom of the page and read this:
You can clik on the terms of service and the privacy policy.
Hope this helps in your healthy lifestyle.:big_smile:
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-------------- "A will finds a way, failure is not an option"
Montreal Canada
2004/03/27, 01:02 AM
Yeah, I have advice on how to "utilize this service in the most efficient way"...Type in your fitness concerns at the bottom where it says fitbuddy...OR scroll through the different forums and look for the moderator's advice or the veteran's advice. Legitimacy is in the eye of the beholder. There are alot of opinions here without medical reference. This is where it is up to you to determine what can work for you and what is just plain B-S. This is a great site though with tons of useful information and great people.
Quoting from sibellei:
This is my first time seeking help on the web for my weight. Can anyone help me be telling me ways that I might read about the legitamcy of this website. Any recommendations on how I can utilize this service in the most efficient way?
-------------- Baseball is wrong: Man with four balls cannot walk.