2006/01/24, 03:29 PM
I always get light headed after a set of deadlifts - what am I doing wrong? I'm in decent shape, and don't think I should feel like I'm fainting after each set. During the set I'm fine, and I actually reduced the amount of weight I rep, to no avail. Any help?
2006/01/24, 03:34 PM
Are you warming up and pyramiding your weight? Something to eat or drink before lifting?
If so, then have your blood pressure and heart rate tested. A combination of bradycardia and hypotension can often cause lightheadedness after activity.
-------------- Pain is only temporary, it is in your mind. If you can still walk, then you can still run.
Quoting from 7707mutt:
The squat cage is holy ground.
2006/01/24, 06:31 PM
Deadlifts can cause a spike in hr and bp, as I have witnessed in my training when wearing a hr monitor.
Also be sure you aren't holding your breath.
The up and down movement can cause a bp reaction, I used to have a client who would black out from lunges (needless to say we quit doing them) her doctor said she just couldn't handle the blood pressure change from high to low.
Try slowing down and breathing.
-------------- I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor.
- Henry David Thoreau
2006/01/26, 01:13 PM
I get lightheaded, too. Heavy deads and squats will do that to you.
As was previously mentioned, it has to do with flucuating blood pressure.
-------------- --JBennett
"I've up-ed my intensity.... now up yours!"
"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."
"Never think of how weak you are; think of how strong you're going to be."
2006/01/27, 09:45 AM
I always associated this high blood pressure/light headed feeling with a way for your body to let you know what your limits are. Of course if you get that feeling on light weights I would recommend that you see a doc about your blood pressure. good luck and welcome to ft.
2006/01/31, 02:25 PM
Thanks for all your responses. I'm pretty confident my breathing is OK, but I've been neglecting cardio for a while. I'm going to get my bp & hr rechecked (they used to be excellent), and make sure I've got enough calories in me (I've been cutting back, which I absolutely hate).
2006/02/01, 04:52 PM
thats a good set then lol.........yea just breath
-------------- Friends don't let friends squat high...
People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it.