2005/07/22, 11:39 PM
I havent been to freetrainers in a long time. I was recently browsing and saw a post by netshark i believe and it was about feeling as if his training was useless. Well i got a kick out of it because im in a similar situation. In the middle of april, i got my own room and started working a job. The job was right down the street from my room i was staying. It was convenient because i didnt have a license. But that meant i coudlnt get to the gym. I was living in this room from about april 10th till about june 24th, within that time, i was lucky if i could get to the gym once or twice a within ten days. Sometimes id go two full weeks withouht lifting. Also, the job that i work is a fast food restuarant, so like netshark's situation, i only get one break, and after that i have to go some 4 hrs withouht food. Im either on the cash register or, Im cleaning, so i do carry boxes and take out trash too, burning calories. They wont let me sneak powerbars either, i tried it before i even looked at this thread. My arms have lost so much thickness, i mean theyve always been a weak point, but now theyre horrible. Im not just talking bis/tris, but forearms as well. (I recently had my first bodybuilding competion in may and it turned out pretty well.) Ive come a long way since the picture u see here. ( that was last year, and i wasnt even looking like a bodybuilder. I will get the new ones up soon). So now its July 22, and ive been back in the gym for about a month. I still work my fast food job so have to go soem hours without food, but i do lift weights at least. Funny thing is, the scale says im back to my normal weight i was before, i seem to be stronger than ever in some lifts (deadlifted 390), i feel like my legs are making progress, but my arms seem to be shrinking. Sometimes i feel like ive lost alot of size in my whole body, or like im just "small", i know 168 isnt that big. But arms in particular, i feel like ive lost all the size ive built up in them, now they look like little sticks. This is eating me alive. The thing i dont understand is, that im in the gym 5 days a week, busting my ass. Normally it takes me one or two workouts to notice progress in my legs or some other ares. But i seriously dont think my arms are growing. I dont know! What should i do?