10 Tips for Building Big Muscles on a Small Budget
1. Buy Carbs in Bulk. Buy oatmeal, brown rice, potatoes, and beans in bulk or buy the larger sized containers when they are on sale.
2. Never buy full price protein. Meat can be frozen for several months. Watch newspaper circulars for “teaser” sales of meats designed to bring customers in the store. Tuna, chicken breast, and lean beef cuts are ALWAYS is on sale somewhere. Look for "reduced for quick sale" or other "value pack" deals and stock up.
3. Shop using a grocery list so you don't buy on impulse.
4. Buy Generic. Let go of your brand & store loyalties. Shop by best value, not brand name.
5. Limit purchases of toiletries & cleaning products& Processed foods. This is the area that runs up your food bill. You don't need specialty cleaners for everything in the house or frozen meals that aren't clean enough or high enough in protein for a bodybuilding diet.
6. Don't throw anything away. Freeze extra rice or left over pasta in "snack" baggies.
7. Primarily shop the outer ring of the store. Most of what you really need (vegetables and protein) are in the outer ring of the store. Center aisles are generally full of empty calorie items.
8. Make your own salads. Bagged lettuce and precut vegetables can cost 3-4 times the price of a uncut version of the same food that provides twice the servings. You can buy two heads of dark leafy greens to make into a into a big salad or cut up a few pounds of broccoli for the same grab & go convenience.
9. Limit purchases of nutritional supplements. This is probably most applicable to those who are anxious to find magic pills that build muscles and buy every new supplement on the market. Buy one flavor of protein at a time and buy extra when it is on sale. Don't go crazy buying products which promise the results that only consistent diet and hard training produce.
10. Eat clean..at home. Learn to cook. Stay home. Save your money for next Tuesday's meat sale.
-------------- I will lift my own weight someday!!!!!