2001/04/30, 08:58 AM
I had noticed that most pro bodybuilders nowadays have their lower lats under developed. I meant the lower part of the V-shape from the front..and when they do like a double biceps pose for example, they don't have that sweep at the waist that all old pro.s used to have. Do they mean to do that or is it due to lack of training. Amr
2001/05/01, 12:26 AM
You have me confused, I thought the lower lats was just the upper lats developing down the back. If there is a seperation what exercises do you do to develope them?
2001/05/01, 06:15 AM
It is the same muscle alright, but you can develop the lower part better by front chin-ups, narrow grip chin-ups and machine pulley rows. Amr
2001/05/01, 10:52 AM
I usually work on behind the neck pull ups, but I notice my right side being more developed than the left side. I'm right handed, stronger on that side, would that have anything to do with it?
2001/05/02, 07:20 AM
It's probably the lighting when you are posing is at an angle to your body...but anyway, concentrate on good form.. Amr
2001/05/02, 09:30 AM
I must be on the right training program by FT because those are in my training packet. Thanks for the info.
2001/05/02, 12:18 PM
Goin back to the question, i know Arnold used to always change the position of his grip to work the different areas.Do you think that could have anything to do with it?
2001/05/03, 11:07 AM
I think that the lower the hands are and the lower they end up, the lower the muscle is that gets worked. I'm no expert, but if you are doing seated rows and you pull your hands up to your mid chest, it will naturally work the upper part, and if you are pulling your hands to below your belly button, then it will work the lower part more. Does this make sense or am I blowing smoke? My wife tells me I do that sometimes. HAHHAHAA.
2001/05/03, 07:07 PM
you are kind of right merlinhog..I noticed that too in the workout..thanx for the info Amr
2001/05/04, 03:52 AM
well I'm only a beginner, but here's my opinion. Behind-the-neck pullups strain the traps mainly, and in my opinion the best way to competely develop the lats is by changing the angle between your arms, the bar and your body.
Two good exercises for this are sternum chinups, where you pull your sternum to the bar, your body being nearly horizontal when you reach the top, and one armed chins, where you just use one arm for the eccentric part of the lift. These are pretty hard to do, and may take some time to be able to perform
2001/05/06, 08:46 AM
Unless you shrug your shoulders (which you shouldn't), the behind the back pullups are mainly for your lats...traps have other exercises like shrugs and upright rows Amr
2001/05/07, 10:20 PM
ok then. It could be said that upright rows are mainly for your lats too