Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 380, Messages: 54581

Various general exercise related discussions. Find out what it takes to reach your fitness goals through daily effective exercise. With so many options we try to find out what works best.

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Mass Gain

Posts: 2
Joined: 2014/08/09
2014/08/09, 09:41 AM
How To Gain Mass on My Biceps & Triceps?
Posts: 91
Joined: 2013/08/08
United States
2014/08/09, 10:45 AM
Obviously arm exercises are a part but if you want to add mass, compound movements like dead lifts, squats with weight, lunges with weight will help a great deal. I have found large numbers of push ups, chin ups and pull ups are great for strength and growth.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2014/08/09
2014/08/10, 01:39 AM
Obviously arm exercises are a part but if you want to add mass, compound movements like dead lifts, squats with weight, lunges with weight will help a great deal. I have found large numbers of push ups, chin ups and pull ups are great for strength and growth.

---Thnx Sir.
Posts: 42
Joined: 2014/12/25
United States
2015/01/07, 10:04 PM
Bicep curls, concentration curls, then hammer curls. If needed, lower the weight for the last hammer curls.
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Joined: 2015/06/01
United States
2015/06/01, 02:09 AM (Edited: Adrian - 2015/09/24, 06:22 AM)
Perform biceps and triceps in gaps. If youa re performing biceps in monday then go for triceps on thursday. One muscle group takes almost 48 hours to recover from the workout. Do not perform same body part regularly.
In biceps exercises go for barbell curls, hammer curlsm concentration curls, EZ bar curls, dumbbell alternative curls.
In triceps perform push down, dumbbell kick back, overhead tricep extension with dumbbell etc.
Along with exericses take high proteina nd high calories foods. Red meat, beef, eggs, salmon, milk, yogurt, sprouts, brown rice etc. are some high protein and high carbohydrates products which are really beneficial to build mass in biceps and triceps.
Posts: 1
Joined: 2015/10/16
United States
2015/10/16, 03:03 AM (Edited: Adrian - 2015/10/16, 03:09 AM)
In biceps activities go for barbell twists, hammer curlsm focus twists, EZ bar twists, dumbbell option twists.  In triceps perform push down, dumbbell kick back, overhead tricep expansion with dumbbell and so on.  Alongside exericses take high proteina nd high calories nourishments. Red meat, hamburger, eggs, salmon, milk, yogurt, sprouts, cocoa rice and so forth are some high protein and high sugars items which are truly useful to construct mass in biceps and triceps.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2016/06/20
United States
2016/06/23, 12:44 PM
yes,  squats with weight, lunges & push ups will do a great help
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2016/07/31, 01:49 PM
Remember, triceps are the bulk of your arm size, and also assist in so many 'pushing' movements. I am a fan of doing biceps and triceps on the same day, this is a 'push/pull' type workout. Where as mentioned, the tris are a push type exercise, the biceps a pull type. Think that arms are easily overworked, that is they are involved heavily with other major exercises, such as bi's with lat pull downs, rowing, etc. So, they can easily be overworked. I think 2 different exercises with 4-5 sets per group, twice peweek  (tri's  and bi's) is more than sufficient. Rest is key. I would spread this out every 4 days max. That being said, if a bodypart just seriously lags everything else, (we all have those), try to add a day for that one only. Increasing frequency. For instance I did this with chest. I had lots of trouble with upper chest. So, I would do my heavy chest workouts twice per week. But on a third day, which was actually a day off, I would go in and do just upper chest, 4-5 sets, lighter weight and higher reps (and a different workout than my normal), and leave. This actually worked very well. I understand adding frequency is not always feasible, but if you have the notion and time, it may well work for you, and there is plenty of research to back this up.