2003/06/18, 10:58 PM
WEn U Do Push Ups does it boost UP uR mEtAboLism? heard it somwhere...if it does...doesnt dat mean it wuld burn fat on ma stomach Too? buhaha
2003/06/19, 12:24 PM
Yep, any exercise will boost up your motabolism Ashunboy. A speedier motabolism will help burn off the fat from all over the body.
-------------- Dont wait! Procrastinate NOW! =)
2003/06/24, 10:19 PM
i have a question????? I started working out again after my thyroid problem (still have under active)and i can not take any pills to loss weight or for energy said my doctor. i need energy, i workout cardio 60min daily. weight training about 20 to 30 min is there any advice to help with energy?help, after my workout i feel great but then i go down.help help help.......
2003/06/25, 08:35 AM
Hey there Padua. I proper diet will help keep your energy up a bit. It's not surprising that you're tuckered out after 60 minutes of cardio then 20-30 of wieghts though. You've got right to be tired! Fruits are a good source of quick energy. (for a little boost) Might want to ask Caravan this question. In my opinion he's quite knowledgable in this area.
-------------- Dont wait! Procrastinate NOW! =)
2003/06/25, 09:14 AM
60 minutes each day seems a bit much, I would be exhausted too.
2003/06/26, 10:34 PM
Perhaps you are not eating enough carbs in general. You might want to review your diet and see what kind and quantity of carbohydrates you are eating. Pre-workout go with simple carbs like fruits and potatoes, but post workout which is more important, have complex carbs.
Also you might find you are depleted in thiamine if you are not eating right, this vitamin, helps convert carbs into energy. 1.1 mg is the RDA for women.
And yes 60 min of cardio a day is too much, Try and go for 25-30 min.
Hope this helps and good luck.
You might want to try taking vitamin c and perhaps a multi vitamin without iron. Ask your doctor first though.
-------------- You can walk to anywhere you want, it only takes time.
Ivan Montreal Canada (aka SpongeBob Square Pants to some!)
2003/06/26, 11:02 PM
i eat a lot of fruits,roots and greens,i also eat a lot of chicken and fish love fish,,,,,checked my thyroid and it is fine(have under active) i workout 5 days a week and take vitamins........had altypes of blood work done everying is great,,,,,i don't know ,,,,,,if i try to do 25 to 30 i don't even feel like i did anything......and then i just continue to workout.......i also walk 4 miles twice week and jog 2miles 1day i lift for about 30 mins ,,,love it i feel really good when i lift and when i do cardio but like i said i get tired .....i also drink a protein shake after i workout and then i eat solids ......any advice...
2003/07/11, 02:16 PM
You should try HIIT cardio. If your not wore out after 30 mins of this, then your not doing it right. It makes you feel real good aftward too, its important to support that workout addiction... :).
-------------- If you work them, they will grow...