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Joined: 2004/06/14 ![]() |
2004/06/24, 11:47 AM
Ok. So I missed my workout on Tuesday and wasn't able to make it up on Wednesday. Should I add it to my workout today (Thursday)? This is my Chest and Bicep workout
Oh, I workout Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri using the FT workout routine for muscle mass, chest, and back. The question is... Do I combine workouts or just skip it? Thanks, Jonathan -------------- I will never grow up, just old. Jonathan |
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Joined: 2003/10/05 ![]() |
2004/06/24, 11:48 AM
I would say, make it up on another day off.... If you miss one, and you can't make it up, I wouldn't sweat it too much... as for adding it to another workout day, guess that depends on what else you're doing and how long it'll take...
t -------------- Tim I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self. - Aristotle You have the power to change a life right in your own hands. - Paul Brandt |
Joined: 2004/05/13 ![]() |
2004/06/24, 11:53 AM
This really sucks for me. I am taking my son camping this weekend and I have a bunch of stuff to before this weekend. I am going to miss every workout until this coming Monday. Last day I worked out was Tuesday. I am already missing it. The most workout I am going to get is cutting the grass tonight and the 12oz curls this weekend. Jonathan - I would make it up on an off day.
Joined: 2004/06/14 ![]() |
2004/06/24, 12:18 PM
It looks like today's workout is legs, so I could combine the two.
Unfortunately, I can only workout Mon-Fri as I work on an Army Post and the gym is right across the parking lot from the office (until we move). However, home is a 45 minute drive from the office. I'm sure you will miss the workouts, but I'm sure that the time you will spend with your son will more than make up for it. Besides, while you are camping, you can still do a lot of Freebody (or body weight) exercises. Also, you'll have your son there to lift. If you are planning to use a wood fire, then you can include a partial workout into your wood gathering efforts. Put your sone on your shoulders or back and do lunges, Good Mornings, push-ups, etc. I don't know how old he is, but you could even do some bench presses and flyes by "playing" with him (airplane and stuff). Have him hold your arm and do your curls. Again, these are things I can do with my 7 yr old, but not so much with my 12 yr old. He knows better. Have a good camping trip. My kids will be in Texas with their Granmother for the weekend. -------------- I will never grow up, just old. Jonathan |
Joined: 2004/04/09 ![]() |
2004/06/24, 04:34 PM
good post jonathan, I read livers post and was shocked that he said it sucks that he HAS to take his son camping. That should be FUN!! You should look forward to it, and be glad you can engage in such activity. Not preaching, just trying to put things in perspective. Sorry.-------------- A broken clock is right twice a day |
Joined: 2004/05/13 ![]() |
2004/06/25, 08:06 AM
I didn't mean it was going to suck to take my son. I am just missing working out. I haven't done it since Tuesday and I don't get to workout till Monday. I am VERY excited about going camping this weekend. Sorry if it came across like that.
Joined: 2004/05/13 ![]() |
2004/06/25, 09:06 AM
David, I read my earlier post again. I think you just miss read it. I did not say HAVE to take my son camping. My words were: "I am taking my son camping this weekend...". In response to Jonathan's post I was saying it sucks that I am going to miss so many gym days. Sorry that just pisses me off that someone is questioning the love for my child.
Joined: 2004/06/14 ![]() |
2004/06/25, 10:27 AM
============ Quoting from livers20: David, I read my earlier post again. I think you just miss read it. I did not say HAVE to take my son camping. My words were: "I am taking my son camping this weekend...". In response to Jonathan's post I was saying it sucks that I am going to miss so many gym days. Sorry that just pisses me off that someone is questioning the love for my child. ============= I just reread my post to make sure, but I was in no way implying that you were upset about taking your son camping. I knew that you were upset about missing the workout, so I was simply trying to remind you that you could still workout during the trip. I understand missing the workout. My kids beg me to workout with them, so a camping trip would be a fun time for us to find other ways to workout together. (They can't workout at the apartments' fitness center, and I go to the gym at work...) I'm sorry if my post came across as meaning that you were upset about taking your son camping. It was certainly not intended that way. Enjoy the trip. I don't like camping, but I enjoy taking my kids camping. -------------- I will never grow up, just old. Jonathan |
Joined: 2004/05/13 ![]() |
2004/06/25, 11:21 AM
Not you Jonathan. I appreciate your advice. I was commenting on David's reply.-------------- Dont Expect Results, Earn Them! Lance |
Joined: 2004/06/14 ![]() |
2004/06/28, 01:18 PM
livers... Are you back yet? How was the camping trip? Can we borrow the tent for Fourth of July Weekend? (Just kidding)
Did you find a way to squeeze in a bit of a workout while you were out there? Later, -------------- I will never grow up, just old. Jonathan |
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/06/28, 01:22 PM
Livers you are hot. Got a girlfrined?-------------- Message deleted by moderator due to unsuitable content for this board. |
Joined: 2004/05/13 ![]() |
2004/06/28, 02:11 PM
Had a wonderful weekend. Weather was beautiful. It was fun cause the people we went down there with had a hover craft home maid and I got a ride in it this time. I did workout somewhat. I chopped a 8" tree with a 6" hatchet with a dull 2" blade. Then had to carry bunch of logs for firewood and pulled a cooler to and from boats.
hec - :laugh::laugh::laugh:Actually I am married to a beautiful woman. But if I ever get divorced and take a likin to tatooed buff guys I will let you know. Won't Charlie get jealous?:laugh: |
Joined: 2004/05/13 ![]() |
2004/06/28, 02:13 PM
The only bad thing about the trip was my son wouldn't get in the water with me. He just stayed and played with his cousin's on the boat. We were just in Florida so he said he was affraid an aligator was going to get him. Hopefully I worded this right so someone doesn't misunderstand me.
2004/06/28, 02:14 PM
I'm a 60's child. Free love is what I say. Go for it Lance.-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/12/16 ![]() |
2004/06/28, 02:35 PM
I was foolin with you. I noticed that girl tried to pick you up.-------------- Message deleted by moderator due to unsuitable content for this board. |
Joined: 2004/05/13 ![]() |
2004/06/28, 02:59 PM
I know was just messing with you back. I have been around the boards enough to pic up on your sense of humor. I laugh daily at you and Charlie.
Joined: 2004/06/14 ![]() |
2004/06/29, 08:51 AM
Well, welcome back. Glad you had a good time.
Next time tell him that there are no alligators because the sharks ate them all. :surprised: Just kidding. Well at least you got some workout over the weekend. I picked up my new bike last night, so I get to start my cardio on my rest day (Wed.). I'm quite stoked about that. -------------- I will never grow up, just old. Jonathan |
Joined: 2004/05/13 ![]() |
2004/06/29, 09:26 AM
I wish I would have done bench once last week. I did it yesterday as my first lift back and I felt SSSOOOOO WWEEAAAKKK. I tried to do 225 once on my fourth set and couldn't get it off my chest. Two weeks ago I could do 235 on my fifth set. Frustrating how hard it is to gain and how EASY it is to lose. I'm done venting:) -------------- Dont Expect Results, Earn Them! Lance |
Joined: 2004/06/14 ![]() |
2004/06/29, 01:08 PM
Quoting from livers20: Thanks, I tried to do 225 once on my fourth set and couldn't get it off my chest. Two weeks ago I could do 235 on my fifth set. Frustrating how hard it is to gain and how EASY it is to lose. ============= Shoot!!! I'd be happy with 125 on my first rep! LOL -------------- I will never grow up, just old. Jonathan |