2001/06/27, 01:02 PM
I have a thought on the 12 week mass program. It says if you want to gain real mass, do no cardio. I think that this is false. Example. I played basketball the other day for about an hour and almost passed out. Focusing on lifting only is bad for the body's balance. After I played a couple times, I had more oxygen for my workouts and felt better. You can disagree with me, but I don't see how I'm wrong. THe Hog
2001/06/27, 02:01 PM
I totally agree. Ever since I started doing cardio before and after each workout, I have gained a lot of muscle and lost a lot of fat. The cardio also allows me to lengthen and intensify my workout, without getting tired, by raising my heart rate and allowing more oxygen to get to my muscles. I would rather get bigger without getting fatter at the same time.
2001/06/27, 02:28 PM
I think that they were reffering to absolute bulk when they said really gain mass. Dont get me wrong, I totally agree with you as far as being "fit". But "fit-ness" is an overall state of health, you can be huge, yet physically "fit". That would be having muscle mass yet being very cut and defined as well. Think about the main two kinds of people you see at the gym. There is the sleek looking, very strong guy that you can say is "ripped", he is skinny in overall b/f% but has huge muscles that are defined.(mass building with cardio) Then there is the huge "buff" guy that you would not mess with if your life depended on it. Not only does he have extremely large muscles but he also build a big frame or foundation. In other words he has a little more noticable fat or meat. (i think more porportional) That would be packing on proteins and higher calories which would just fill you in more. Versus the guy who does a lot of cardio/thermos which we all no aids in fat weight loss. So remember "mass" is a weight. Just depends on the physique you want. But i do agree with the cardio so you pass out if you have to push your car. (haha) Sorry if i rambled a little much, does this all sound right? or make sense? let me know if it does not cause i could be wrong. snow
2001/06/27, 03:38 PM
thanks to both of you! Pass out if I push my car Snow!?!?!!? What are you saying? I'm not that bad. See, I have no real "foundation" as you referred to it. I am six feet tall and weigh 160, so I am the first example you gave, but my muscles don't have the size I want yet. Mical put it perfectly that hey, muscles need oxygen too. Not just your lungs. The only way to increase the capacity is by doing some cardio. Good responses though. The hog
2001/06/27, 05:28 PM
i wasnt refering to you about the car thing. sorry if you took it wrong man. i just meant getting tired easy like you said about the b-ball game. i just said the car thing to add humor. lighten the mood a little. peace!
2001/06/27, 06:24 PM
Oh dude, I wasn't pissed. Not a bit. No sweat. If you knew me you'd know that. Sorry bro. I know what you meant, and I took it lightly. So peace out to you my man!!
2001/06/28, 12:35 AM
this passing out thing is pretty strange bro...I know guys who would rock climb then jog swim shoot hoops..and even then wouldn't feel as tired.. :-)
2001/06/28, 10:21 AM
it was a little stretching of the truth TT. Guess I'll have to watch my wording in the future. Some of you are way to serious. I have played soccer and baseball since I was four and still play anything I can.
2001/06/28, 11:07 AM
I know, geeze! I'll have to not add light humor to stuff anymore. There are like 3-4 responses about the car thing and not even what it was about. oh well Hog, i think we have a sense of humor along the same lines as each other. Oh well no harm,no tears, peace to everyone! snow :)
2001/07/01, 08:21 AM
I agree with doing a bit of cardio. Rather than do a full hour though I choose to do 20 min. of intense cardio as this helps build my heart and stimulate muscle growth.