2001/12/01, 06:03 AM
What do you girls think about having your period and doing exercise? Some women are lucky having no pain but others have head and tummy ache. I work out normally. It hurts a little in the beginning, but then I forget. It's not before I stop that it starts hurting again. I just changed exercise program and unfortunately it turned out to be the same time as my period. This program really takes me to the limits and the second day I was veery close to turn reeeally sick. I had to take two days off (now everything is ok). What about you?!
2001/12/01, 12:55 PM
I lighten up a bit cause I feel alittle more tired than usually for a couple days. I am one of the fortunate ones rarely have cramps etc! Just tired. Thanks for the recommendation on the lunges. I will try them with the bar between my legs L.
2001/12/02, 03:07 AM
No worries L, tell me how it goes.
2001/12/02, 12:19 PM
I usually have to "really" motivate myself when I'm having my period. Mainly because I am so lethargic during that time of the month (I usually always have a sweet craving too). I've been to the point of near throwing up when exercising, I guess because I may have pushed it a little too hard. So, now I usually don't push it as hard, and if I need a day or two during that time, I take it!
2001/12/02, 09:59 PM
Yep - me too - only have the tired feeling. (No wonder..huh) and I've learned that I have to wait to work out generally an hour to 1.5 or I too feel like I could get sick. The things we learn about ourselves working out. Has any of your appetites increased from working out? Im going back on xenadrine for a few....I feel like Im eating for someone twice my weight...AND I WONT GET TO THAT POINT!!But This week...I was being like porky pig! (Im gluing my lips shut)
2001/12/02, 10:53 PM
Hmm, I don't think my appetite has increased at all. But, I'm also taking Xenadrine. I've been taking it since Oct 11th, that was when I first started working out etc. It seems to give me a boost, but, I don't seem to be dropping off the weight, like they say you can.
2001/12/03, 06:57 AM
I take two tablets at once...and that does work as far as an appetite suppressent. I also have an herb - called high energy...and I found out the hard way not to take both - say in the mid-afteroon because it keeps you wide awake. I couldn't sleep worth poo from it...AHH!
2001/12/04, 09:04 AM
Actually, the very best energy and fat burning stimulator is to do high energy exercise in the mornings.... For ex do some curcuit training, do all your exercises but only one set and do some fast running or jumping for around two mins in between. Repeat this three times. It'll not take too long, but you'll feel very very exhausted afterwards (max 3-4 times weekly). This will boost up your metabolism and you'll feel great (and very satisfied with yourself!) after. And you'll sleep like a baby....
2001/12/04, 09:37 PM
Ok, so you are saying to do a work out like this first thing..before breakfast (Ive hard doing a run before breakfast is a good fat burner) and then work out later that day? I generally work out midafternoon being I can since I've lost my job. Once I start working I'll prob. work out in the evenings like I use to..
2001/12/05, 11:47 AM
It's okey to do some cardio in the mornings before breakfast for around 30-45 mins (also if you want to loose weight) If you do both cardio and weight training in the same time (which is not bad -if you got enough time) then (in the mornings) it's a good idea to drink a protein shake before. Don't work on empty stomach -you'll not have enough energy to take heavy and you can feel dizzy as well.
2001/12/05, 06:45 PM