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Joined: 2002/10/22 |
2002/11/10, 10:37 AM
Hi can anyone give me some tips of low motivation... I get home from work and sit down and then I never have the energy or motivation to work out.. thanks! |
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Joined: 2001/11/15 |
2002/11/10, 11:07 AM
Gosh, I know. You just have to pull yourself out of that mode and go do it. TRUST me, as I am typing this, I am just plain out bored of the routine. Here lately, nothing is changing at all.....I feel like I'm gaining versus loosing weight! But I know I always feel better after I work out. Somehow I just need to jazz it up. I really am not in to step aerobics so that i out of the question. I know I just need to put together a solid program. I also know you have to motivate from within and by yourself. I use to go with a friend and once they stopped going I did. So then I started up by myself and really you need to do it that way. You have to concentrate on what you are doing etc. The good thing about having a partner though, is someone to give you that extra push when you feel like...being a weiner and not exceeding your limit or pushing/lifting one more time. Hopefully someone will give more insight on those days you feel like copping out. Here lately I have....but then...I think of how much better I looked when I went full stride and that sorta gets ya going back. Not sure how long you have put into a program...but its a life time thing really. And I have experienced the "seeing results of my hard work" so if that isn't motivation, I don't know what else is. But, yeah...I need to figure out ways to push myself too! (I sound mixed up as hell on this post!) |
Joined: 2001/06/30 |
2002/11/10, 12:04 PM
I found that the "couch" just had my name on it if I went right home after work. So, I forced myself to start going to the gym directly from work. In the morning, I took not only my lunch for work, but a MRP for a caloric boost on the way to the gym, and my workout stuff. In fact, started keeping an extra pair of sweats in the trunk at all times in case I forgot something. I would start planning my workout on the drive. Kept me up, and ready by the time I got there. Make it priority one. I would just think to myself how much better I will feel when I had it done, and how crappy and how much I would kick myself if I didn't do it, and be on here writing the kind of posts you did, instead of the progress I was making. Good luck. |
Joined: 2001/11/06 |
2002/11/10, 12:52 PM
Hi girls! It has been awhile since I had much free time! Hope you are all doing well. In answer to you question. PLAN PLAN PLAN. I have a Daily Planner (like the one you might use for appointments/work) that goes from 7 am to 11 pm. I plan my Personal data in this planner when I have my morning coffee or before I go to bed and then carry it everywhere with my mini supplement container. It keeps track of my what I eat and the time (TIP: any cheats are logged in color) what supplements I am taking and what time I am training and cardio. That way if it says 9:30 PM do ABs and run 20 min on the treadmill...then when I get home that is what I do. Yes it is an agreesive approach and YES sometimes I have to make schedule changes but it helps me stay on track most days. Try it for a month!-------------- There is no substitute for hard work.... Leslie |
Joined: 2002/04/23 |
2002/11/11, 10:28 AM
Hi ladies,I agree with Leslie. You would not miss that appointment especially if it is important to you. The aggressive approach does work and soon it becomes a habit. Usually it takes anywhere from 3 months - 6 months of consistency to become a habit. Have someone hold you accountable for making or missing your workout appointments. You can also start posting here. For example Mon workout 11 NOV 02 Chest/Tri/Shoul 4 sets 20/15/12/8 Cardio Treadmill 20 min 6.0mph 1800 cal 40p/40c/20f and so forth. That way if we see you getting off track we can say hey where have you been. I know you are tired after getting home from work but save the relaxing until after you are finished with everything. I know it depends on the day but try to relax in the car on the way bome. :) Melissa -------------- Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. - -- Aristotle |
Joined: 2001/11/15 |
2002/11/12, 07:42 AM
I know what part of my problem is and PLEASE don't think I am some sort of looser because that, I am not..just have had the bad luck syndrome. I lost my job back on Sept. 25 ...5 days to the day I lost one last year. One was from lack of business..the other....total unfairness but nothing I can do about it being an at will state....but this time has put me feeling pretty bummed and I don't have any drive at this point. Decent paying jobs are hard to find at this time of the year and I'm not certain if I'll ever make what I was. I just have the feeling of dread that I can not shake and its hard not to worry or feel useless trying to make things work on unemployment. And then all the upcoming bills, taxes that I will have to pay since I can not afford to have taxes taken out of unemployment...it just sucks. Last year, I got my head out of the dumps by working out...this year.....its like I don't care anymore. And like I said, I still think people think I'm a looser when they hear I'm not working again sort of thing. :o(I know the results can make you feel good and I have put on some weight because I can't get a pair of leather jeans I got in Jan....to zip up. AND you know how that makes ya feel...........FAT FAT FAT. I am doing some cardio but not heading to the gym like I use to by myself. I was going with my boyfriend but he is working on some home projects that is consuming alot of his time. So, its up to me to get going again...get back into the shape I was which I know will make me feel better. It's just...getting to that point...AND FINDING A JOB...DECENT ONE that I can be happy in for a change. (And I did have that back in 1999 when I worked for 20 years at a place that was wonderful but closed~) Sorry so wordy...just sounding off! |
Joined: 2002/06/18 |
2002/11/12, 11:37 AM
I hear ya! Just hang in there. I was on unemployment last year at this time. I found a job and so will you...rmemember that you paid your taxes each paycheck for others on unemployment so take it easy go workout it will help and some advice apply to everything even those things you would not think you could get you never know.-------------- IF THE SWEAT AIN'T IN YOUR EYES, AND IT AIN'T STINGING, THEN YOU AIN'T LIFTIN! |
Joined: 2002/04/23 |
2002/11/12, 06:15 PM
Hey workingoutgirl,Sorry to hear about what has happened to you. OK time for some tough love. QUIT CALLING YOURSELF FAT! You are a wonderful and caring woman who deserves the very best. So you had some set backs and it sucks. Fear and worry can eat away at you and shorten your life. To me when I am fearful and worry about stuff I remember this. Fear= False Evidence Appearing Real You picked up the pieces once you can do it again. This time better. Get that resume in order and be persistent. If they do not hire you think this. WOW. With or without you I will succeed. You can do it! I know in a few months you will be posting about how you found this really great job that you love. Oh yeah go workout! :) :) Melissa -------------- Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. - -- Aristotle |
Joined: 2002/11/21 |
2002/12/11, 03:35 PM
Been there too many times to count..I am with bb1fit. Don't even sit down as tempting as it may be. Don't even go home to change if at all possible. Take a change of clothes with you. Just remember your goal and how important it is to you. Think of it like this...the sooner you go workout the sooner you can come back and plop on the couch, but with a feeling of accomplishment because you overcame and you are one step closer to your goal. Don't forget to reward yourself too. In this day and age we could all use a little pat on the back and some TLC. I'll be rooting for you. Let me know how it goes. |
Joined: 2002/10/17 |
2002/12/11, 05:32 PM
Fat is not a person, fat is a substance. It cannot define you. Toenail is a substance. You have it, but you wouldn't refer to yourself as "toenail, toenail, toenail" would you? Focus on the small victories and just keep going. Things will improve. -------------- Think you can or think you can't; either way you're right--Goethe |
Joined: 2002/11/03 |
2002/12/25, 10:47 PM
Hey workingoutgirl,I sympathize with your situation, and let me tell you, it is real tough, there's so much anxiety in bein unemployed and all. I just wanted to say concerning your daughter, that I am overweight, I always was, and ever since I can remeber people told me I had such a pretty face but I needed to lose weight. I was put on shabby diets since I was 6 years old and my mom in her ignorance always put it on me to lose weight as if I had some conscience of how to do it. Now i'm 23 and still battleling with the obesity I inherited from her and the horrible eating habits she ingraned in me since birth. I don't blame my mom for my unhappynes about myself and the fact that I can't even be confident going into a job interview. I blame her for not seeking the help I needed and not realize that it wasn't up to me, mainly because I was born with a bad gene, and I blame her for not realizing that u can't expect a kid to lose weight when you yourself are teaching her everyday horrible eating habits. Have you ever been close or lived with an alcoholic? most people don't quit by themselves becuae they are sick, from their bodies that crave for alcohol and their minds and souls that have been shattered by the consequences of their drinking. Take your daughter to a Psychologist first, then to a dietician and participate so you can set an example of healthy living for her, and you will benefit from it as well, she's just a kid and it's YOU that have to be there for her in this whole thing. My mother never understood that she has an active part in my obesity,she's obese, diabetic and now lost her only kidney to the diabetes, she's on dialysis. But if I ever have kids, I will make sure that I teach them from the beginning to be eat and live healthy. Workingoutgirl, start NOW. With love, YV |
Joined: 2002/11/03 |
2002/12/25, 10:58 PM
Message deleted by moderator due to unsuitable content for this board. |
Joined: 2002/01/24 |
2003/01/11, 10:07 PM
Before you sit down, do your exercising and get it out of the way, That way when you do sit down, you will have done something and will feel good about yourself.-------------- Lisa |
Joined: 2003/01/12 |
2003/01/12, 06:42 PM
I understand completly. Motivation can be a real problem. Today is my first day with FT and I hope I can get with it. I'm actually starting this program to get me motivated. I understand because in December My car broke down and I lost my job. My car still isn't fixed and this time of year it's really hard to get a job. But I know if I set my mind to it and get motivated then Ican over come. You'll have bad days, I know I will. But the next day you just have to get up in the morning and say to yourself that today is a better day. Instead of thinking of your work out as one more thing to do, think of it as one more step tword your goals. Your work out willn't get you a job but It will make you feel better about yourself. And feeling good about yourself will show through at your next intrview.Moonaria |
Joined: 2002/07/18 |
2003/01/23, 12:39 PM
I take my gym kit to work with me and go on the way home. NB- remember to take enough (healthy) food with you to work and eat about 1hr before you work out or you'll just die.I also go in the mornings- which is harder- but I find I cn fling myself out of bed and into my kit and out the door before I've really realised what's going on. I leave my kit all ready beside the bed and my bag all packed so there's no faffing in the morning. Organisation is a key part of motivation! Also, try tricking your mind: just go to the gym or exercise for 10 minutes. I bet once you start you'll think "well, I may as well carry on". And even if you do stop, you've done 10 minutes more than nothing. Best of luck. |