Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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muscle knots- upper back

Posts: 1
Joined: 2010/12/08
United States
2010/12/08, 08:13 PM
Hello All,

I had muscle knots in my Right shoulder & shoulder blade since 2 yrs. I tried several things ( like physical therapy, chiropratic, massage) but none of them worked. Recently I have been to a Neuro Surgeon and he gave me trigger point injections and also suggested me to go to physical therapy.

After starting the physical therapy my whole upper back (Right & Left shoulders, shoulder blades and neck) bacame tight with lot of knots.

Can anyone please let me know how to get rid of these muscle knots.