Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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My first two weeks here

Posts: 11
Joined: 2003/03/13
United States
2003/04/01, 02:36 AM
Hey all!
I'm so excited!
I started my new program here two weeks ago and have been trying very hard and I've lost 8 lbs so far!
I've been trying for a while with no results but I think it was because I wasn't sure what I was doing and what I was doing wasn't structured at all. So much thanks to Free!!!

I've always built muscle fast but never lost weight fast, so any advice in that area will be greatly appreciated!!!
Hope to hear from yall soon!

There is a time when a mad scientist isn't completely, entirely mad... This is the time when he throws his greatest parties...
Posts: 2
Joined: 2003/03/31
United States
2003/04/01, 08:34 AM
This is my first day, I have tried and tried to work out and get into shape, so hopefully free can help me keep on track.

One day at at time....
Posts: 470
Joined: 2002/08/07
United States
2003/04/01, 08:36 AM
I think both of you will find this site is very helpful. In addition to great diet and exercise programs, the message forum is its greatest asset. Support and encouragement keep people on track with their programs and this site is one of the best. Good luck.
2003/04/01, 08:44 AM
Hi Miranda...welcome FT :) I lost 50 lbs almost three years ago. I was always small but during some years between then and the weight loss I went eating crazy :) anyway, what I did was hit the gym or the exercise program. I found that lifting helped burn that fat better. I did one hr of cardio everyday. I didnt bust my ...t on it just made sure I was in movement one hr for seven days. I lifted six and cardio seven. After about three months my body said hey this is great. My eating habits changed forever. The main thing is I now felt those fries,burgers,sweets etc no longer gave me the same pleasure that buying a size 4 did :) I have the energy of an 18 year old. But Im certainly not 18. I eat oatmeal,egg whites w/ salsa or brand cereal in the morning. And water 1 gallon during the day. My snacks are fruit like an apple maybe a banana, A Ceasar chicken salad for either lunch or dinner, lots of green vegetables, I snack on pretzels but not the whole bag :) broccoli,I like the WW meals for either a lunch or dinner. I have a whey protein shake sometimes after I lift. I try to eat five to six times a day. Its hard at first and you do find yourself thinking what do I eat now. But slowly the body and your understanding of eating begins to kick in. I have posted ? here and the moderators as well as the members have been great in helping with any ? I had. Basically egg whites, chicken, tuna, vegetables, wheat products, skim milk, some fruits help in the process of losing. I also take a calcium tablet once a day. A multi-vitamin as well. The workouts, eating for a life change and knowing that it will take a little while to get your body to adjust will definitely make a difference in the way your body will change. It took me 9 - 12 months to get down to a size 2/4 from a size 18. Because I was in the gym I dont have saggy skin only tone. One of the greatest compliments in the gym are when Im asked if I am a bodybuilder. That is awesome to me because Im lifting to tone and not bulk. And also please know that a woman can NOT build muscles like a man, unless you have help in a different form other than a weight in hand. But you will get tone and definition. You will go through times when the body settles and then you change the program up. One day you'll be the same size and then before you know it peeps will ask wow youve lost some weight and then wham it begins to disappear. You look and feel so much better. Good luck to you. Dont necessarily look at the scale to see the progress. Look at the clothes to big to wear. Keep asking ?'s and reading. Youve joined a site that will really be benefical to your progress. GOOD LUCK :) AND once again welcome.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2003/03/13
United States
2003/04/01, 01:15 PM
Hey everyone! Thanks for the welcome.
CC, thanks for the advice and encouragement! Everyone knows how much they both are needed. Your story really inspires me and I know with nothing but hard work and determination that I will achieve my goal.

There is a time when a mad scientist isn't completely, entirely mad... This is the time when he throws his greatest parties...
Posts: 11
Joined: 2003/03/13
United States
2003/04/01, 09:20 PM
Ihave my pics up now guys, these are from October (I gained my weight in the 3 years before then).

There is a time when a mad scientist isn't completely, entirely mad... This is the time when he throws his greatest parties...
Posts: 65
Joined: 2003/02/05
United States
2003/04/01, 10:50 PM
Sounds great. Good Luck!