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Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/05/13, 11:20 PM
new log. first day back since competition
5/13 Upper- ME(?) incline bench barx10 95x10 135x5 185x5 205x5x2 5RM PR? 205x4 aiming for 3 sets of 5... oh well flat db bench 80x7 80x5x2 BTN Smith Press / T-Bar Row bar+50x10 / 90x10 bar+60x10x2 / 135x10, 180x10 DB Lat Raise / Shrug machine 25x10x3 / 225x10, 315x10x2 SOme curls for the girls just playing around today.... figuring out stuff. DONE |
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Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/05/17, 07:19 PM
geez its been hectic getting to the gym- i had graduation things to deal with... finally out of college and stepping into the real world hahha. finally got a car too
had to walk to the gym which was tiring. 5/17 Lower (ME?) olympic squats barx5 135x5 185x5 225x5 275x2 315x3x3 hard as crap. form was slipping a little bit and my hip started to bother me Deads 135x5 225x3 315x3 405x2 405x0 ugh... lactic acid for the first time in a long time... 315x3x2 w/ long hold at end Pullups-> Chins / Roman Situps 0x6x2-> 0x6, 0x4+1neg/0x6x2 Holy crap this was tiring today... may have been too heavy for first day back in exactly 2 weeks but oh well... i will regret tomorrow. hopefully getting back into the swing of things... |
Joined: 2003/07/10 ![]() |
2008/05/19, 08:47 AM
Why did you have to walk to the gym if you got a car?
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/05/19, 02:38 PM
hahha. i have a restricted license. so i can only drive to school and work. the gym is at school so i am working on finding a way to fix this...
anywho... 5/19 ME Upper bench barx5 135x5 185x3 225x1 235x1x4 2board 245x3 255x3 265x3 275x2 BOR 135x10 185x8 225x8x2 Band Face Pull / Incline DB Ext to chest greenx15 / 20x15 "" / 25x15 "" / 30x15 Prowler Sprints full court 90lbsx8 just getting back into the swing. shoulder was bothering me. i was by myself so i had to band the boards to myself. also, this is actually a real Prowler 2, not a sled that i have been calling a prowler till now. this was fun but brutal. |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/05/22, 08:34 AM
ME Lower camber bar box squats barx5 135x5 225x3 belt 275x1 315x1 sloppy 315x1 much better 365x1 385x0 thought i could rough it out... but this bar can either make or break your form... Front Squats (slightly wider than shoulder) 185x8 205x8 225x5 GHR / Chinups / OH situps 20x8, 25x8x2 / 0x6x2 / barx12x2 i was sucking wind after the last set of GHR... my work capactiy sucks right now... DONE |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/05/23, 10:35 AM
DE Upper DE Bench barx5 add minis barx5 95x3 135x3x9 (3w, 3reg, 3cl) Incline Close Grip 135x6 185x3 205x3x2 205x2 Lat Row Machine 70x10, 105x10, 130x10x2 DB Lat Raise / DB Incline Tri Ext to chest 25x10 / 25x12 30x10x2 / 30x12x2 BB Curl / DB Shrugs 45x10 / 100x10 65x10x2 / 100x10x2 Prowler 2 low bar up, high bar back = 1 set 70x5 prowler was crucial. had to lie down for about 10minutes at the gym and the drive home i was on the verge of puking... great day! DONE |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/05/26, 06:25 PM
did not get my DE work in yesterday. spent the whole day moving my bosses house. from a 3 story place to a 4 story town house. fucking sucked! my knee makes a consistent creaking sound, like a creaky door, every time i take a step. any ideas? this has been going on for a while. doesnt hurt, but obviously an issue in the making.
will be doing ME tomorrow morning as gym was closed for Memorial Day. |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/05/27, 09:11 AM
ME Upper bench barx5x2 135x5 185x5 225x3 255x2 Rack Lockouts (about 2.5board height) 245x3 265x3 275x2 285x1 PR? DB Incline 75x10 85x6x2 DB Row 100x15x3 Dips bwx10 bwx9x2 some curls for the girls and did 5min on stairstepper. done |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/05/28, 09:03 AM
ME Lower GM barx5x2 135x5 185x5 225x5 belt 275x5 315x3 345x3 365x3 Deads (no belt) 225x3 315x3 365x3 405x3 DB Walking Lunges / Band TKE 60x3 trips / bluex20x3 Chins / Cable Standing Cruch 0x6x3 / 160x8, 180x8, 200x8 DONE |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/06/02, 06:48 PM
i have been going to the gym but my log is inconsistent due to me not having a computer (broken!)
i did RE upper on Friday, 225x8x2,225x5 on bench. dont remember everything else yesterday DE Lower box squat barx5x2 135x5 185x3 225x1x8 squats DL 225x5 315x1 405x1 465x1 pretty easy 505x0 i was itching to pull heavy for some reason Machine Leg Curls / Neutral Grip Pullups 160x10x3 / 0x5, 10x5x2 oblique work/curls for girls today ME bench barx5 135x5 185x3 225x3 really heavy, moved to floor floor press 225x2 245x1 265x0 my RE work the other day still had me down. im just goofing off right now it seems.. DB Incline 80x10x3 Lat Row 2platesx10 3platesx10x3 30sec band pushdown blue, greenx2 Lat Raise/ conc curls 30x10x3/30x10x2 done |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2008/06/03, 08:25 AM
I would have moved to the floor sooner. The way you set it up you only had 3 reps before going for a max on the floor. That's not enough to get in a good groove.-------------- SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde Blood Guts Sweat Chalk |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/06/04, 06:23 PM
ME Lower reverse green band squats barx5 (no bands) 135x5 (bands) 225x3 275x3 315x3 365x1 405x1 465x1 505x1 5lb PR (depth a little questionable) 510x1 10lb PR RDL 135x10 225x10x3 GHR (moved so only 4 holes, not 5) 0x8x3 Chins / Staight Leg Situps (weight overhead) 0x5, 10x5x3 / 60x8x3 DONE |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/06/13, 06:48 PM
sorry i have been slacking on this. i dont have a computer anymore (stupid thing died) so i get very little access. i dont feel like updating what i have done in teh last week or so simply b/c i cant remember. i will say my conditioning is way up b/c im doing 6+trips back &forth with the prowler with pretty good ease. im going to up the weight to 45s now. im happy with the way thats working.
hopefully get back in the loop here soon. im thinking 300 should go up easy on monday for bench. pushig for at least a 450 squat before my chucks officialy blow out... ahhah |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2008/06/14, 11:14 AM
Ever thought about writing your "cycles" down, for the entire month...goals for weights, monements etc?
So that there is some "control" to what your doing...and that you don't just "goof off" with fav excercises, or doing this or that just cause you felt like it( not in a felt like it sense that you body needs it) ? -------------- \\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\\" |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/06/18, 05:39 PM
ME Lower squats barx5x2 135x5 helped someone put on their very tight briefs barx5 135x5 225x3 275x3 315x3 365x1 felt really really heavy 315x3x Dead sumo 135x5 225x3 315x2x4 (2 sumo, 2 conv) Reverse Lunges db / band pullthrough / pull up 45x6, 50x6, 55x6 / bluex15x3 / 0x5x3 Side Bends db 80x40 each side my speed work has been non-existant lately and it really shows. i never really knew it to be that crucial to my lifting, but i can see now it is very apparent that it is, i doubt i could have hit 405 today at all. i am going to make speed work more of a priority in my training... DONE andrew- i dont feel like doing that much planning. i dont even plan like that for food which is more important. i am unable to have "control" right now b/c of work being so sporadic. i am hoping to start a career soon, so then i will have much more time. |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2008/06/22, 04:25 AM
well you may have a underlying issue that has nothing to do with your workouts.-------------- \\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\\" |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2008/06/22, 04:55 PM
============ Quoting from bigandrew: well you may have a underlying issue that has nothing to do with your workouts. ============= huh? -------------- SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde Blood Guts Sweat Chalk |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/07/10, 03:46 PM
been a while since my last post. not much has changed other than feeling beat up all the time. got myself in a pair of tight Metal briefs the other day. hit 455 no problem but missed 500. just a matter of time... update you all later when i get a better connection going...
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/07/16, 11:17 AM
should be somewhat more consistent right now. our workouts have a better structure since we are working with a 650+ squatter who overthinks...
7/16 DE Lower box squats barx5 2green bands/side barx5 135x3 225x2 little to heavy 185x2x9 Sumo Speed pulls on 10kilo plates w/ briefs 315x3x6 405x1 465x0x2 GHR / BB suitcase side bends 0x10x4 /135x8x4 Awesome day. I love these briefs. my hips were really too beat up for the heavy DL... but whatever. |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/07/18, 10:11 AM
ME Upper 3 board bench barx5x2 95x5 135x3 185x3 boards 225x3 275x3 295x3x3 foam bp 225x3 245x3 265x3 Fat bar OHP 95x10 135x8x2 Rows / Band Tri Ext / BB Curl / crunch 70x20x5/greenx20x5/barx20x5/20x5 decent day. i was extremely beat up from this week. the 20 rep stuff was supposed to be our recovery work cuz we could not get in later. |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/07/22, 11:12 AM
ME Lower ssb box w/ briefs barx5 155x5 205x3 245x3 295x3 335x3 385x3 425x2 425x1 365x3 RDL 225x5 315x5 365x5 415x5x2 Banded Hip Spread thing / Reverse Hyper mini doubled upx15x3 / 0x20x3 Good day. I am going to rock the briefs for a week or 2 more then rotate more. On another note, if you have not seen the Dark Knight yet, get to it... |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2008/07/22, 12:28 PM
I was considering rocking a pair of briefs (or a squat suit) in my next contest for the deadlift (18" deadlift for reps) but I'm not doing that event anymore. What'd you get? -------------- SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde Blood Guts Sweat Chalk |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/07/25, 03:25 PM
bought my friends slightly used Metal Pro briefs. They were entirely too big for him and i dont think he really got anything out of them. They are snug on me tho.
I am looking into a shirt to get too... |
Joined: 2004/01/27 ![]() |
2008/07/25, 03:55 PM
I really like the Rage-X (can't stand Inzer as a company though). It's (relatively) easy to get on, comparable to an open back, and you can touch a lighter weight but still get real good numbers in it. I got it a little big and if I pull down the collar enough and arch big I can touch 200lbs. It makes a good first bench shirt. I won't be using it much though, I'm not planning on doing a pl meet for a while.
-------------- SQUAT MORE ~Jesse Marunde Blood Guts Sweat Chalk |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/07/28, 10:17 PM
i am planning a meet for late september and either december or october, not sure which. as for now i am just working up the money to buy something. i am going to try a friends denim tommorrow to see how it works out and to play around. what do you think of the bash? or have you tried it. i dont know much about the RageX at all, i just know i am wanting to use an opened back shirt...
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2008/07/29, 05:30 AM
Not sure if your going 1 ply or 2..but my 1st shirt I played with was a closed back poly (2ply) 1st time ever in it I benched 405..now i'm around 440ish in it.
Then they gave me a 2 ply denium(open back) to try..loved the feel and pop....but I can't touch anything less than 500 in it, actually it took 510 to touch and about 15secs of pushing my belly up to get the damn thing to touch lol Read somwheres I think in powerlifting USA a longer armed person gets more out of a poly than a denium? Dunno if it true. Also, if you having troubel tocuhing in a denium...try weting the arm pits and chest a lil...somtimes it helps them stretch a lil. have fun with the bruising lol -------------- \\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\\" |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/24, 04:25 PM
i keep forgetting to post. i did some work in my friends shirt and got 385 off a 2 board.
btw, i ordered my shirt. i ordered a metal bash pro since i had a little experience with it and my group has only worked with it too... also, my competition is Sept 27. so am a little more than a month out. |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/04, 06:31 PM
haha. i got the bruising down with the briefs. i actually need to make sure im a little more bloated for them too.
either shirt i try out is going to be a metal bash or a denim that my friends own. i am going to try those out just to see what it is like then make an educated decision. the bash is the same size chris clark uses (my 220lb friend owns it and could not believe that hahah) and the denim is huge on my 240lb asian friend. im down to about 255 so we shall see.. |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/04, 06:31 PM
give me another week or 2 and i will actually have the log running again. just finally hooked this internet up...
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2008/08/04, 10:52 PM
Used a katana today....wow its nice! Couldn't touch 530 in it lol....gonna try the one ply next week....since the shirts where custom made for somone about 340ish....one of my partners who's 260....did 405 in it easily....so we are gonna see if i can get more out of it me being 315 now.
My coach's sponcer is TITAN and APT....we get alot of cool stuff:) -------------- \\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\\" |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/06, 03:59 PM
thats awesome andrew. i wish we had that kind of availability.
tried out the denim yesterday. it slid right on and was only really tight in the arms. i was able to touch 275. i struggled with 315 but did lots of singles at that weight just trying to learn the touch. i hope to try out the bash soon. |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/07, 05:16 PM
DE SSB Box Sq barx5x2 135x5 185x3 225x3 275x2x9 shoulder width Cambered Bar GM barx10 135x5 225x5 275x5x5 245x5 Pull ups/decline situps 0x6x4/25lb behind headx10x3 Farmers Instrument Shrugs 80eachx20 130eachx20x3 decent day. need to learn to sit back and lower my upper body better on the cambered bar work. i think if i get better at those my squat will go up as my weak pt is falling over a bit... |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2008/08/08, 09:48 PM
where are you touching?
is it open or closed back? -------------- \\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\\" |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/09, 05:58 PM
open back and i already touch rather low... just like im in a shirt all the time. i just need to learn to use the pop to help me through.
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2008/08/10, 10:47 PM
Was it velcrowed in back?
Try putting chest plat a lil lower....and touching on top of the lower ab...I thought I touched low too....then i was trained to touch about 2-3 in lower. You griping the bar as wide as legal? that helped me too. -------------- \\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\\" |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/11, 05:01 PM
i am just playing around with it. yea it had the velcro. i already bench to the top of my belly so i was benching for a shirt... i just need practice. grip is like middle finger on rings. i didnt even think to go wider. i am trying out the bash tomorrow so i will see how that is.
8/11/08 ME Lower Squats briefs barx5 135x5 225x5 315x3 365x3 405x2 455x1 500x1 (15lb PR) 510x1 (25lb PR) 455x2 455x3 Rev Band Deads (green) 225x1 315x1 405x1 495x1 545x1 565x0x2 GHR/ VBar pulldowns 0x12, 0x16, 0x21/ 100x12, 120x12, 140x12 Awesome day. Can finally buy new shoes (500lb squat)! 500 went easy, only the weight on my back was difficult. i could see something like 530 going down soon no prob. DONE |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2008/08/12, 09:20 AM
Try 1st finger on ring....and make sure chest play it kinda low.....helps me. Coarse i'm 315 too and i have a big belly.
Oh get that belly bigger lol -------------- \\"The eight laws of learning are explanation, demonstration, imitation, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, and repetition\\" |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/13, 03:42 PM
DE Upper (has been more ME lately but whatever) Bench barx5 135x5 185x5 225x3 denim 275x1 275x3 315x1 bash on 275 to about 3 board 315 to about 1 board 315x1 335x1 135x20 KB towel rows / Face pull got really heavy. too much math/purplex20x4 KB Tri Ext / Push down/ Leg Raise 35x10x3/ greenx20x3/ 0x10x3 sweet lifting. need a lot of work in the shirt. wasnt fitting exactly right b/c we did not have sleeves but i think it is the perfect size. we lifted in my friends new gym, 3 brand new powerracks from sorinex. so sweet... DONE |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/14, 08:39 PM
DE Sq Cambered Box Squats -2in barx5x2 135x5 185x3 225x3x7 275x3 315x3 Dead off 1 in plate 225x3 315x3dblovrhnd 405x3x2 405x2 tired Band GM bluex20x3 side cable bends / EZ curl 200x15x3 / bar+1 45x8x2, x10 BB shrugs / VBar Pulldowns 315x20x3 / 140x12x2, 200x12 DONE |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/08/28, 04:25 PM
we are on a deload week today. did some light weight sets SSB box for speed followed with tire flips. I mashed up my thumb on the tire flips somehow.. hahah. all is good in the hood.
On another note, i dont know how many people read this anymore, but we are looking to add 1 more person to our lifting team (to make 4 total). we realized that as the weights are getting heavier (i am the weakest) that we are going to need more spotting/depth calling/etc. let me know if any of you are interested. |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/09/18, 10:25 AM
Today was the last day of training before the comp.
Planned openers: Squat 475 Bench 315 Dead 485 No idea where im going from there. Will probably do some body weight work next week, but for now its all about recovery... |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2008/09/28, 03:50 PM
Power Frenzy Deleware weigh in: 255 Squat 465 2 whites 500 3 whites 530 miss, needed more time but they pulled me out of whole... Bench warmups were rough... 315 3 whites 340 3 whites 375 fail. stopped about halfway up... bummer Deadlift 485 3 whites 525 3 whites 560 3 whites! huge grinder! 1400lb total makes for 1st place in the Junior 275 unlimited class. WEEE!!!! had a lot of fun. planning for a meet on Dec 6. cleaning up the diet with plans on being in the 242s and much leaner. good stuff... |
Joined: 2005/03/09 ![]() |
2009/05/02, 09:55 PM
sorry to bring up an old post, but did not know a better place to post.
5/2 IPA Virginia Powerlifting Championships first time trying water manipulation, aiming for the 242 class, weighed in at 234. Day of the meet I was up to 247. Squat- Power Pants, Metal Briefs, TK Sleeves, belt * 485 - 3 whites * 520 - 3 whites (20lb PR) * 550 - miss- I got a little to far over, threw me off. Bench- Metal Bash shirt, wrist wraps, shit belt * 375 - miss- popped off chest easier than I expected and I did not follow through. Easy as hell, but it dipped. Even meet director was like ?WTF?? * 375 - 3 whites- much better (35lb meet PR) * 400 - miss- came off chest fast. stalled about 2-3in from lock out. probably a 4sec isometric here tho? I know i have it in me Deadlift- Power Pants, Metal Briefs, Metal Pro Suit, belt * 530 - 3 whites * 575 - 3 whites (15lb PR) * 605- miss. came off the floor nice, but I got over it too much and stalled. seeing stars still? Over all, not very bad. I went 5/9 for a 1470 total. Its a 70lb meet PR at 21lbs lighter than my last meet. I am a little disappointed because I did not hit my goal numbers, but I cant deny my improvements. Won 1st place in 242 Junior Amateur Equipped Division |
Joined: 2005/12/04 ![]() |
2009/05/02, 10:11 PM
Congrats and nothing beats a meet.-------------- Knock-Um Down & Keep-Um Down! Team Wild Iron -------------- wildirongym.com -------------- 4-26-09 USPF Sacromento Open http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A8davwnh5Q ------------- My Log http://www.freetrainers.com/FT/jsp/Message.jsp?f_ix=15&t_ix=1631 |