Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 379, Messages: 54578

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neck muscles

Posts: 4
Joined: 2001/01/12
United States
2001/04/19, 11:04 AM
i was just wondering how to build up the muscles that are right under your chin, you know like if you have a double chin. is there any particular way to get rid of that fat and how could you build up muscle there to make it look all tight? and what about jaw muscles, can you strenghten those?
Posts: 195
Joined: 2001/04/03
2001/04/19, 05:21 PM
I don't usually develops with time..but the only thing i can think of is to chew on hard chewing gum
Posts: 271
Joined: 2001/02/10
United States
2001/04/20, 02:11 AM
The jaw. I don't think I've ever heard or read about anyone asking about training that muscle group before. But anyone remember Tom Platz? Famous for his thighs, but had the most awsome jaw line I think I ever saw. As far as fat goes, that comes off everywhere when you burn calories/build muscle. I've seen head harneses to which you can add weight for building the neck muscles. I've also seen machines taylored to that part. I've never used either. I don't know about their safety. Also some wrap a towel around their head and pull against it using their hands for resistance.
Posts: 361
Joined: 2000/12/26
United States
2001/04/20, 08:09 AM
Wesheilman, did you ever try doing back and forward bridges. These are two good exercises for the neck. As for the Jaw I don't know what to tell you. Are you trying to give yourself a face-lift? The fat will go away in time. Just keep working all your body parts. Your face will thin out and you will loose that double chin but you must work at it. There isn't a magic pill that can be taken to take care of this; it does require work. Even steroid users have to work very hard to get their gains; it just doesn’t happen overnight. It looks to me as if you have a goal, now continue with the steps to achieve that goal. – work hard 3 x – 4 x a week. Just so you know, Your face is the first places you'll loose weight before all other body parts.

Posts: 33
Joined: 2001/01/26
2001/04/23, 11:42 PM
What is this Back Forward Bridges i am interested to know Billk...

Posts: 361
Joined: 2000/12/26
United States
2001/04/24, 12:43 PM
For the back bridge: Lay on your back and lift yourself up (make and arch w/ belly towards the ceiling) using primary your feet and your neck use your hands as stabilizers. The goal is to touch the floor with your chin.

For the forward bridge: It's just the opposite. Instead of touching the floor with your chin you will want to push forward will arching your back towards the ceiling.

When I use to wrestle this was a mandatory exercise.
