2007/10/25, 04:03 PM
Hi Regina. Welcome to FT. I took a look at your profile to try and get a better sense of who you are and where you're coming from.
Your goal of trying to walk 1/2 hr 5x's a week is a GREAT fitness goal to set for yourself, but if you are starting from a level of zero, meaning you don't walk at all right now and you're completely sedentary, I would urge you to take baby steps. Set small, achievable goals and work your way up.
Another fitness goal that you should set for yourself and really strive to meet is to drink 2 liters of water a day (64 ounces, 8 cups.) Getting plenty of water is very important when you're a: starting up a new fitness routine, and b: trying to lose weight. If drinking enough water is hard b/c you don't like the taste of water, trying buying some crystal lite flavor packets to give your water a little zing.
Lastly, diet will help you meet your weight loss goal (duh, right?) Resist the urge to cut calories. For now, I don't want you to deprive yourself of food and feel hungry b/c hunger is a highly discouraging sensation when you're starting out. Instead, I'd like to see you CHANGE your calories. That means you still eat when you're hungry, but instead of a big plate of fried eggs and bacon for breakfast, you eat a big bowl of oatmeal with a scoop of vanilla flavored whey protein powder mixed in. That's just an example. Swap sweet potatoes for white potatoes, do white meat instead of dark meat (if you can... I personally can't give up my dark meat.) Some cuts of meat are healthier than others. You can find lots of food info in the diet and nutrition forum.
Not eating any veggies is a problem, I must admit. If you aren't yet, you should start taking a fiber supplement. That said, if you're truly serious about losing weight, you're going to have to attempt to start eating some veggies.
Keep posting, ask questions, share your successes as well as your struggles. Good luck :)
-------------- \"We must be the change we wish to see in the world\" - Ghandi