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Need Help on Supplements and Weight plz

Posts: 2
Joined: 2005/08/31
United Kingdom
2005/08/31, 02:49 PM
Hello, i've been reading lots of posts on and find it very informative and thought you'd be the best people to ask for assistance...

I'm a 28 yr old male, 6"1' and weigh 148 lb's, so i'm quite slim. I've been weight training 3-4 times a week
for about 3 months now. but i have a really tough time putting weight on, in fact i haven't gained any weight since i started training. I want to bulk up and increase my body weight by at least 20 - 40 lb's .
I've noticed that i am getting alot more toned and my muscles are bigger but no extra weight.
I've been taking "HLPC Pure Creatine Monohydrate" for the last month - 5 gms morning / 5 gms evening
and for the last week i've been taking "Peak Body Whey 80 100% Whey Protein Concentrate"
60 CC's (what is the CC equivolent in grams, anyone? ) 2 times daily.
For the last week i've also been taking "Weider Super Mega Mass 2000" 70 gms 2 times daily.
My average day would go as follows...
05.30 - Get up and have 5 gms Creatine with Orange juice concentrate
07.00 - Tuna salad sandwich
10.30 - Cooked breakfast and 1 pint of whole milk
13.00 - Banana or some fruit
15.00 - Supplement Mega Mass and Whey Protein and Creatine blended with 400 ml of Whole milk
17.30 - Chicken breast or Sterloin Steak with potatoes or Rice/Pasta and veggies
20.00 - Supplement Mega Mass and Whey Protein with 400 ml whole milk

Thats my average off day. On an exercise day it'll be much the same except i would have my first Mega Mass & Whey Protien shake immediately after my work out and down it all in one.

Firstly i would like to know whats the best way about putting on weight and what's best to eat and at what time?
Are the above brands/products i'm taking any good and am i mixing or taking them correctly or could i take them in a better way?
After reading lots on here is it better to take Whey Protein with water or is that just for after a workout? Bearing in mind i'm desperately trying to gain weight aswell as muscle.

PLease help! Many thanks!
Posts: 277
Joined: 2005/06/22
United States
2005/08/31, 11:31 PM
hey man im in the same boat as you, i began working out june 28 and i used machines for a well they didnt get me too far i gained 4 or 5 lbs and then i switched to free weights recently this month and the gains have been incredible. first and foremost, if you aren't using free weights, use them. secondly, since you are a slim guy i would guess you have a fast metabolism like me. with that said, it is imperative you get a workout from the site here, try your hardest to get a 3 day split, people with faster metabolisms need more rest, even though their body burns fat extremely fast, they have a hard time building muscle and by getting a 3 day split you will not only be burning less calories per week, but if you hit hard and heavy that day your muscles will rebuild and get stronger and bigger. i don't believe that you need your mass gainer, but judging from your diet that you take in everyday, maybe you should be taking that. there is something very important that you could be doing right now that could turbo charge your weight and mass gaining and that is by putting dextrose/maltrose in your shake for post workout. Personally, I would take your creatine from your protein shake separately, so the insulin charge helps absorb the whey. Put some dextrose/maltrose in your protein shake and chug half immediately once you get done with your workout or whenever you get home(i personally dont drive too well trying to drink and follow the road at the same time :big_smile: but if your home is far from the gym i might consider premixing your protein shake prior to your workout storing it and making sure its cool and just bring it with you but drink straight water during your workout) anyways after you get halfway done with your protein shake i would then take your creatine, be sure to take creatine before your workout too. at your body weight and age you probably dont have to take it but once a day to maintain the effects and it should last longer, the only day you should take 2 is when youre working out. Be sure to try and eat meals even if they are small every 3 hours or so make sure you get carbs in all of your meals and make sure they have enough protein, on days you workout try not to take in any casein like milk etc before 7 hours of working out... otherwise you might slow down the absorption of the protein. On days you have off if you want your protein shake and creatine remember only take the creatine once it will probably be just as good as twice and more cost efficient in the long run but dont put any dextrose/maltrose in it. the amount of dex/mal you should have in it should total no more than half your body weight, and no less than 1/4 of your body weight, obviously lean more toward the 1/2 since you're on the bulking phase. if you do all of this like i said and make sure you dont get hungry, and get plenty of rest you will make incredible gains, i have been doing this for about a week or so and I have gained a decent amount of weight... you will make steady gains and should keep you confident enough to keep going.. i think you will be quite pleased with the results if you do this :)
Posts: 88
Joined: 2005/08/10
United States
2005/08/31, 11:46 PM
i started around the first or second week of july and i was 140 when i first started and now im at 166 but i actually think im gaining more fat than muscle i was at 5%bf now 10%bf and im starting to grow man titties i doubt its muscle (but i look sexy in a t shirt )if you actually want to gain fat tho i would say only eating 3-4 times a day and eating alot at a time because your body will store the fat i also use weight gaining powder and it seemed to help me get fatter any ways
Posts: 2
Joined: 2005/08/31
United Kingdom
2005/09/02, 08:37 AM
MAny thanks for thre reply guys!

So am i right in saying:
Take my Creatine 45 mins - 1 hour pre workout
take 1/2 my protein shake immediately post workout followed by my creatine (mixed with water) and then drink the remainder of my shake over the next 45mins or so. ?

Do you advise taking my creatine with water or does it matter whether i take it with fruit juice or not?

Do you also suggest taking my protein shake (post workout) with water only?

Is it okay or advisable to take my last shake before bed? and is it okay to take it with milk for a slower absorbtion rate?

Thanks again!
Posts: 1,084
Joined: 2004/12/04
2005/09/02, 10:01 AM
postworkout i take my creatine immediately, folowed by my protein shake. take the creatine with the juice, the protein shake with water. as long as you get them into you within an hour of working out, you are fine.

its ok to take a shake before bed.. and ok to mix it with milk.
Posts: 4,619
Joined: 2004/01/27
United States
2005/09/03, 10:14 AM
I would even go a step further with the milk thing at night, and say have some cottage cheese with it, to add even more cassein in with it.

Your two most important minerals: Iron and Chalk.

If you smoke or don’t wear your seatbelt, please don’t tell me the deadlift is dangerous.