2008/09/29, 01:09 PM
My son is 8 years old and he has some physical problems. I will give few examples. His body is not very flexible. He runs slow, he can't jump longer and above all its very difficult for him to bend his knees and sit, he would rather bend his whole body and keep his arms on floor to support and the same goes to get up. Even when he jumps from sofa or a chair he directly lands on his full feet and doesn't bend his knees to cushion the shock. I see certain basic thing usually kids do naturally he can't do them. he also having some motoring skills issues. I took him to several doctors and none of them see any problem with body structure. His growth is good and also he does well in scholl and has good memory. I rencently took him to a Chiropractors. He said his muscles from waist down are very week. he is doing some adjustments and also adviced me to do exercises which focuses on hamstring stretching. I started doing them at home.
What I wanted from you experts is how do I make him more stronger. Do you think basic streching and some cardio exercise will help him or do you think I should put him to a fitness center and work on those machines for leg,calf...strength .
Any help with this greately appreciated.
2008/09/30, 12:03 PM
How active is he? Does he get a lot of time outside with friends? Unless there's a medical condition I'd just focus on getting him more active.
2008/09/30, 01:38 PM
Thanks for your response. He is active for almost an hour. he get 20 minutes recess where he plays basket ball or running around. also I make sure to spend some time with him in the evening doing some physical activity/indoor sports( I live in midwest...so mostly its Winter). If you look at him normally he looks like a reagualr kid. No issues with his growth at all....I see some physical challeges he has overall.
2008/09/30, 05:16 PM
I re-read your first post, and your chiropractor mentioned a weak lower body. Without getting too far into a full strength training program(squats,quad extensions,hamstring curls,ect.), one exercise you could have him do is to climb stairs. He'd have to bend his knees and strengthen his legs for that. Maybe some body weight squats too.
2008/10/06, 02:28 PM
personally I would try to get him into an indoor soccer league or something. At that age I'm not a big fan of the weight training but instead more body resistance activities like running, biking, swimming etc. good luck