2011/06/24, 12:27 AM
14 years old/ 5 5'/ 131 lb/ 16% bf. / 22lb of fat
K so i'm kind of a n00b when it comes to cutting :P, and this is my old diet, with minimal carbs. I was hoping you guys could add the carbs i need into my diet, and revise anything that isn't good about my diet. OH yea, buying whey soon so feel free to throw that in there xD, THANKS
Breakfast/ Pre workout- 6:00 am
1 packet "hot cereal" kashi - 26g carbs, 8 g protein, 150 calories
16oz water
Post workout- 8:00 am
nothing yet, idk what to put here.
Snack #1- 9:00 am
2 cups broccoli 60 calories, 10 g carbs
3 slices turkey 40 calories, 8 g protein,
16oz water
Lunch - 12:00 pm
either 2 scoops chicken salad (chicken breast, celery, onions, 1 tbs light mayo for whole bin)
6 oz chicken breast plain 165 calories, 36 g protein
+ 2 slices turkey 30 calories, 6 g protein
16oz water
Snack #2- 3:00 pm
3 egg whites, 1 whole egg - boiled 160 calories, 28 g protein
2 slices turkey 30 calories, 6 g protein
16oz water
Dinner- 6:00pm
1 whole chicken breast - approximately 260 calories, 56 g protein
3 cups vegetables overall ( broccoli, zuchini, yams, onions, tomatoes) - ????
24 oz water
Snack #3 (1 hour before bed)- 9:00pm
half cup cottage cheese- 100 calories, 14 g protein , 7 g fat
16oz water
again I know there is a major absense of carbs and fat, which is what I need help with
thanks again