Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

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Need to lose 20lbs in 5 weeks

Posts: 1
Joined: 2004/01/12
Trinidad And Tobago
2004/01/20, 07:40 AM
I am from Trinidad and Tobago and we have a festival call Carnival somewhat like Brazil. I need to fit in to my costume so that i would look as sexy as can be. If i lose at least 10 i would be happen. Got any suggestions anyone. I am going to start taking Xenadrine and do some tae bo hope that helps.
Posts: 32
Joined: 2004/01/20
2004/01/26, 07:59 AM
you can allways go on the low carb high protein diet. But read about it first because you have to supplement certain vitamins. Ohyean and you dont get to eat pasta, potatoes or fruits, you geyt all you can eat meat though. I lost about 20 pds on month on it once and kept it off. as long as you stay working out.

Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2004/01/26, 03:24 PM
20 lbs in 5 weeks? thats 4 lbs a week! YOU can crash diet and go low carb how ever keatone diets are very hard to follow and 9 times outta 10 u gain the weight back plus some. Trust me on this one i know i have done this diet before. You lose weight yes, however ur losing alot of muscle mass too, strength and going into a vitaman deffeciency.......humans are omnivores for a reason, we fuchtion better with plant and animal matter for engery, protein is important but so are carbs, starches and sugers........go on the diet you want its your body i can't stop you....don't turn to a "fat burner" for quick results, there are no shortcuts in life for most of us, and theres isn't any in the losing weight department. cause if their was it would be on the piece of advice well actually a question for you ......... would u rather be 5 lbs lighter and feel like shit? or 5 lbs heaver and be healthy?.........your choice, just cause u look good in a bikini still don't mean your healthy, you can be thin and look " good" but still feel like crap

---andrew.......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!

Posts: 1
Joined: 2005/04/15
2005/04/15, 09:51 PM
I come from Australia and I really want to lose weight so when I look in the mirror I don't look so fat. Also I have asthma and I can't do any extreme excercising. What do you suggest for me besides a eating plan.
2005/04/16, 06:37 AM
extreme exercising? what do u mean by that?

you can control your weight throught nutrition cutting out junk food...and eating healthy diet consisting of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats...however exercise is recommended 10 minutes of walking ...several times a's same as 1 long walk ...which should help with your asthma...

I also recommend you try full body circuit training...2-3 days a week...30-45 minutes....
Posts: 24
Joined: 2005/03/31
United States
2005/04/18, 01:50 AM
i am not sure if it applys everyone, but i am a very easy-losing-weight person, i have hard time keeping up my weight. just dont eat as much, and exercise a lot, run a lot i guess like at least 5miles a day, and absoultely no junk food, no macdonald, chips or sodas. ever since i quit junkfood i have not gain more than 5 lb in an year.
2005/04/18, 03:30 AM
running at least 5 miles with asthma is gonna be pretty hard...for him/her especially if s/he's out of shape....perhaps s/he can start slow by taking several 10 minutes walks every day and slowly work her way up to jogging and so on.....either aiming for time or distance...