2003/10/21, 11:23 AM
I am about 40 lbs overweight and know I need to lose this. But I also want to gain and sculpt my body back to the college days - as we all do!! Once you could see every cut on legs, abs, arms...etc. I don't really look FAT per-se because I'm tall but I can tell it!! Can anyone give me advice on a 110% committed individual to getting the old body back. I want intensity and willing to do anything. My confusion comes into what to concentrate on - building muscle and getting the definition or losing the weight. What to eat...etc. Please help!
-------------- georgia
2003/10/21, 02:06 PM
Melissa - you might cause some confusion with this post. :) It doesn't always make a difference but since you posted this on the male discussion forum and you don't have a profile filled in, folks might have a bit of trouble figuring how to answer. All kidding aside, the things you are confused about can all be accomplished at the same time but it really depends on where you are starting from. Give the folks a bit more info and maybe be a little more specific in your questions and you'll get plenty of help.
2003/10/21, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the reply Mike - yes, my first day on the site and post in the wrong category. I was just surfing along reading and wasn't paying attention as to what forum I was in - so to all - sorry about this - I meant to post in women's OF COURSE!! grrr. More information is simply, I have always been an athlete playing all sports from basketball, golf, tennis, softball, watersports...etc. Until about 4 years ago when travel took all my time along with eating. I have some extra weight I need to remove of course but my ultimate goal is to get back high definition. I want you to be able to see the muscle which will reward the hard work. I'm confused as to whether I should work on reducing the weight before I start building muscle or should I build muscle and let the weight come off as my workout's continue. Any advice is appreciated.
2003/10/21, 05:34 PM
Hi Melissa and welcome to Freetrainers.
A good starter would be the weight loss and tone program from here.
As you begin to rebuild your body into a nice sculpted look the fatty tissue will be reduced.
Provide yourself with the right foods and you will see by next spring you will have or be close to reaching your goals.
Remeber though, the key here is to eat right, Protein, GOOD carbs, and ONLY GOOD fats.
Hope this helps.
If you need more help, email me here.
Good Luck, and please fill out your profile.
-------------- "A will finds a way"
Ivan Montreal Canada
2003/10/22, 04:01 PM
well from my expierence i would lose the body fat 1st i was at oen time close to 300lbs i went on one of those adkins diets and lost alot of weight, but unfortunally i gained all but like 10 lbs back, then just started working out and watching really carefully what i eat.
1st thing i did was cut out all cokes and things that aren't watter completly out. cokes have around 150 calories for 8 oz. and theres 16 oz's in a glace or cup frink 5 or 6 a day? well u get the picture. Just drink water all day every day only exception i have is a glace or 2 of orange juice or v8 splash in the morning.
next i watched what i eat i eat plenty of green vegies and colors ones too, i stay away from breads and pastas( unless on a work out day)i eat whole grain breads and pastas and i try my best to stay away from pork products and refined meats( hot dogs, bologna etc.) i eat chicken lean beef fish u name it
And i changed my weight routine i always hated cardio so i don't treally ever did any of that i just uped my intensity when i worked out, i did super sets drop sets, and did them as fast as i could i tried to shove a big work out in as lil time as possible. i also incresded my reps i usually stayed no higher than 10 but went as low as 4, now i stay over 7 reps i do 20's 15's 12's 10's 8's, but on some compound lifts i do go lower its worked for me
i was 222( after i lost the weight the 2nd time around) at 26% body fat now i'm up to 245lbs and i have 19% may still sound high to some but i'm a bigger guy and i naturally hold more fat than most but most of what i did was trail and error cause everyone in different