Group: Specific Diets & Nutrition

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 104, Messages: 22775

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Need to SLIM DOWN, and INCREASE my Bench

Posts: 3
Joined: 2006/05/16
United States
2006/05/16, 08:01 PM
I posted this in another forum because I wasn't sure which one this goes in.

Hello, I am a Junior in High School. I play football. I am a Offensive tackle and offensive guard. I have been out for the past 5 weeks with a problems with my syatic nerve. My doctor says I still can't run for another two weeks, but he is letting me do some of my regular lower back exercises that I have not been able to do for a long time, but starting our low and working my way back up. He has also cleared me to start doing my ab exercises again, which made me happy because I have packed on some pounds since I have been unable to do anything in reguards to cardio for the past 5 weeks. I am 6'2" and weigh 305lbs. I have a personal goal of being 15-20 pounds lighter by the time we have minicamp the last week in June. I need to be ready for this, how will I go about doing so?

I also have hit a huge platue at my bench. Our strength coach started us out at doing 4x5=at a certain weight for about 6 weeks, then he had us do 5x5 at increasing weights of 10 pounds each set, now finaly he had us doing a work out this week of 5 sets x 3 reps of a increasing weights of 10 pounds ending at 280 as our last set. I was able to get everything today on my bench all the way up to the last set, where I was only able to reach 1 rep of 280. I feel like I have not gotten stronger on my bench is a very long time. I will not, nor do not want to take any type of steroid. But I have heard of people taking Protien to help them out. Would a protien shake help me out if I want to get stronger? Would it make me put on more muscle fat, when I actually want to lose the weight?

Someone please help me out here. I am really at a crossroads with this one. When I see one of my fellow lineman that is just about the same stature of me starting out a couple of months ago at the same bench workout as me, and now he completed today with ease, and went on to get 3 reps of 300 also today, it really makes me mad. I get down on myself, but I fell like I can't control it. Is there anthing I can do to help myself out and catch back up to him by the summer?

Thanks so much.