Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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New and needing some advice....

Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/12/04
United States
2003/12/04, 02:07 AM
Hi....ok well let me just begin. I am 28 and 5'8" and almost 200lbs....use to be 115lbs back in the day. First because of childbirth and then depression I gained alot of weight and have had it for 7 years now. I am in a good place now and happy with myself and my life but hate how I look in the mirror. My husband is stationed in Italy for the next two and a half years so we are going to make the most of the free gym but my thing is the food side. Back in the States I lived on fast food but they dont really have that here so I want to get away from that but I am not sure what a healthy diet realy is. With Adkins, The Zone, and Weight Watchers I am at a lose. Can anyone give me some everyday food advice....we dont have alot of money and between work and schol limited time to cook alot. Also how do you people stay husband and I are both doing this together but there will be times he is gone and I will have to be on my do I stay in the right frame of mind to stick with something I haven't done in almost 8 years. Thanks for letting me babble.
Posts: 59
Joined: 2003/11/14
United States
2003/12/04, 10:14 AM
Hey Browneyes430, did you just open my diary and post it here??!! I could have written the exact same thing two months ago (except I am 38 and only 5'3 but was close to 200 lbs) I started gaining 7 years ago, about 10 pounds a year. My husband is home for the holidays but only because he already did his tour (Dec. 10 to June 20 this year) Lived on fast food, HATE to cook, confused, and on and on!! I am sooo with you girlfriend!!! You will find a lot of good advice here. We can help you alot faster if you'd please fill out your profile. If we have to ask you a bunch of questions first, then it is going to take a lot longer to help you. I know you're asking about food but is that your only goal? It really helps those who are trying to answer your questions if they knew what your goals are and what level of fitness you are at now. I'll send you a private email concerning staying motivated while hubby is away. I know everyone says "motivation has to come from within" TRUE, BUT, we both know being a military spouse changes the rules. Things are a little different for us, we are NOT unique but we are a special group.

YIKES this post is long! I'll shut up and send you a private email.

Welcome to FT Browneyes430.


Serenity is not freedom from the storm
but peace amidst the storm.