Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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New and not knowing what to expect

Posts: 1
Joined: 2007/10/06
United States
2007/10/06, 12:28 PM
Hello! My name is Rachel. I'm the wife of a US Airman and a mother to a wonderful baby girl. I had an emergency c-section and the weight just will NOT go away. I'm looking for support, encouragement, and to just get rid of all the weight I gained during pregnancy (which I still have yet to lose). I recently went shopping for clothing and I'm in size 11 jeans after being in a size 7. I would REALLY love to be in a size 5, but the 7 will make me happy.
2007/10/06, 02:33 PM
Hi Rachel! I just joined up, too. I have a couple of questions for you. One, how old is your daughter? Two, are you breastfeeding? Three, any issues with baby blues? Three, how old are you? Four, are you exercising at all right now, and if so, tell us about that? What would be some regular meal items that show up on your plate?
Posts: 755
Joined: 2006/08/08
United States
2007/10/06, 03:10 PM
welcome to freetrainers intheasian1 and wasakat, and congratulations on make a lifestyle change. A proper diet and exercise are the only way to safely achieve weight loss goals, what does your diet look like ? are you eating the 5-6 times a day as needed, are you drinking plenty of water ? there are no magic pills or fad diets that you should even consider, take that beauty of a lil girl for walks when able and get moving, its the only way...:big_smile:

I was bruised and battered and I couldnt tell
what I felt
I was unrecognizable to myself
Saw my reflection in a window I didnt know
my own face ...

Get busy living or get busy dying.

2007/10/06, 07:37 PM
I can't speak for Rachel, but my diet could definitely improve. I'm not looking to try cutting... I haven't done enough lifting yet for that to be worth my time. I'm coming off of a three month, involuntary vacation from a serious lifting routine. I was following a routine laid out in Alwyn Cosgroves book, "The New Rules of Lifting." I was lifting three days a week and HIIT-ing using a HR monitor two days a week. I didn't drop any weight but I sure did gain strength and my body tightened up a lot. I did not follow any strict diet while I trained, other than making sure that each day I got a 40:30:30 balance of my macronutrient intake, with protein before and after a lifting session.

The three month hiatus began after a lower lumbar strain I incured during a hypertrophy routine. I had upped the weight by 10 lbs. I was shocked when it happened, as I've been lifting weights since high school, and I'm obsessive about propper form. Anyhow, it took about a month to heal, but I didn't get back into lifting for another month because I was afraid of re-injuring myself. Then our family moved and my hubby went back to school full time, leaving me a stay-at-home mom for the first time. It's taken about a month for us to get settled in our new place. Now here I am, and I'm ready to slowly ease back into lifting.

Getting back to my diet. I'm getting way too many carb's right now, and not enough protein, but knowing is half the battle, right? I wouldn't call all my six meals "meals." Some are little more than an apple, a couple of rice cakes, and a bottle of water. I don't eat tuna b/c of the mercury content of it. My main issue is that my food has to be quick and it has to be something that I can pull out of the diaper bag while sitting on the bench at the park and eat neatly and quickly. You don't get much time to eat when you're chasing after a 17 month old. I've just discovered that hard boiled eggs are great travel snack foods.

I'm not new to working out, but I do have lots of somewhat technical questions. I'm in the process of searching through posts before I go asking questions... but I did post one in the all women's section.

\"We must be the change we wish to see in the world\" - Ghandi