2006/03/29, 11:38 AM
Hi everyone, I am new to this site and I am looking for some help on trimming down and putting on some muscle.
Here are some quick facts about me and some of my concerns:
I am 33, weight 207 and I am 6'1". I want to slim down, increase my bench and get rid of that spare tire around the midsection.
Does anyone else seem to have a pathetic bench? I have an under developed chest, and even when I was working out when I was in my 20s it never really developed.
I tend to fatigue really quickly when I hit the bench. I try to do 3 sets of 10, but if I do more than one or two different exercises to work out the chest I get poor results because I get too tired.
I have bad eating habbits, although I have worked on them a bit. I used to Never eat breakfast and only ate once or twice a day, but now I am doing pretty much 3 meals a day, and when I really am doing good i have 5 small meals/snacks a day.