Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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New Member - Just starting out

Posts: 3
Joined: 2006/06/08
New Zealand
2006/06/09, 05:52 PM
Hi my name's Denver, I'm 6ft3 and 100Kg. I joined FT in an attempt to lose my large gut (well that's what I think) I'm fairly skinny and don't put a lot of weight on. I used to be really fit about 6 years ago, I played sport virtually everday which included 3 training days... never used weights or machines but lots of running, jumping, crunches, leg raises, and push-ups. I felt really good, had strong legs and a flat hard stomach (no 6-pack though) I was fit, healthy and full of energy... I want that back. I hope that FT will help get me there. I haven't joined a gym yet but will in the next 2 weeks. Until then I need alternatives to these exercises which is in my fitness program.

1) Twisting hanging leg raises
2) Wide grip chins to front
3) Lying tricep extensions
4) Barbell incline benchpress
5) Straight leg dead lift
6) Donkey calf raises

I have a 20Kg dumbell set that I use, if that helps with any suggestions.


Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2002/01/09
United States
2006/06/10, 02:54 PM
Welcome to the site Denver. If you haven't already done so, check out the Health Resources at the top of the page. There's some good reading there and a good breakdown of exercises for the various body parts so you should be able to find what you. need. Are you looking for alternatives due to lack of equipment or you just don't want to do those?
Posts: 3
Joined: 2006/06/08
New Zealand
2006/06/10, 06:17 PM
Thanks for the welcome mike. Yes I want alternatives to those exercises due to lack of equipment. I would prefer to be able to exercise at home rather than have to go to a gym (however I'm not ruling out the gym) I have a somewhat hectic schedule at work so finding time for the gym is hard. Being able to do this at home would be great. I have started some of my training... real eager I guess. I've been doing crunches, leg raises, standing lateral raises and front dumbell raises. I want to focus on getting rid of the "spare wheel" around my stomach and get my cut abs. I can't seem to stay away from the weights though. I found out yesterday that I weigh 87kg (which is 8kg less than the last time I weighed myself) I just added 5kg for each year I wasn't doing any exercise and that's how I came up with 100kg (very scientific :laugh: Thanks for the advice.


Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2002/01/09
United States
2006/06/10, 06:44 PM
You'll find in the long run it's easier if you don't try to be scientific. I fair set of barbells and a few more dumbells are cheaper than a gym membership not to mention time. I'd work the big muscles more and the small ones will follow. The biggest thing is to just get started even if the method isn't perfect. :)
Posts: 3
Joined: 2006/06/08
New Zealand
2006/06/12, 04:50 PM
Well it's day 2 of my program. Day 1 went really well, despite lack of certain equipment. I managed to get through my whole routine in about an hour or so, including 10 minutes of stretching and a 10 minutes session on my lateral thigh trainer (just to get the blood flowing before doing anything else.)

One thing I have discovered is that I'm pretty weak, my muscles get tired pretty quickly but I don't give in until I've finished the last rep of that set. Doing it this way has kept me motivated... I guess it sounds stupid after just one day but I am determined to finish my 8 week program with positive results.

Happy training
