I am competing in a figure competition in Nov...I have about 15 weeks to get lean. I weigh 130 lbs and am roughly 16% body fat. Does anyone have any suggestions? right now...my plan looks like this.....
bfast: 5 egg whites and mushroom omlette, 1/2 cup oatmeal
snack: Protein shake with water approx 25g pro
lunch: 2 cups of salad, with 1 cup mixed veggies and lean protein.
snack: Protein shake, apple w/ 1Tbspn of peanut butter
dinner: Lean protein (fish, chicken, turkey) and 1 cup of veggies.
should I stick with this? and if so do i stick with this everday? or should I fluctuate it?
I do 40 min of cardio 4x's a week and 2 45min sessions.
weight train 4x's a week