Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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Newbie in the house!! :o)

Posts: 29
Joined: 2004/10/03
2004/10/03, 11:38 PM
Hey guys!

I'm new (obviously) lol Anyways, I'm just looking for some tips on healthy and progressive weight loss, Not the quick fixes. I have pretty bad IBS so my diet is pretty limited. Such is life. I used to be in weight lifting and recently stopped for some health reason. I still have alot of my muscle (I am unsure of all the tecnical terms like Body fat% and muscle%) I know alot of heathly living and diets so hopefully I'll be able to contribute proper information where it's needed. :o) Hehe, Hopefully someone can leave me some pointers.
Ciao! :o)