2001/03/01, 01:37 AM
O.K. seems that none of you folks are trying these new supplements. I guess I'll give them a trial run. I hung out in World Gym for a couple of days and actually found a few bodybuilders who are using Methoxypro and a couple of other brands of methoxyflavones. They are all impressed with their results so I bought a bottle of Meth-X made by Dymatize. I'm going to stop taking creatine for a while and see what this stuff does for me. Claims I've read say 4% to 10% lean mass gains in as little as 4 weeks! Hmmmm.I'll let ya'll know what happened in a few weeks.
2001/03/01, 01:50 AM
Here are some of my stats on the day I started these supplements.I'm 41 y/o male,weigh 235lbs 36in waist 14.25in forearm,18,25in upper arm, 50in chest 25in thigh calves 17.25in current 1 rep max on bench is 315lbs all time best last Aug. was 365 on bench. I'll post results in a couple of weeks and again at the end of 1 month.
2001/03/01, 09:11 AM
That's great! I (we) look forward to the results!
I did a tiny bit of reading on methoxy products and the swear that you "may increase lean muscle tissue by 7% and decrease body fat by an average of 10% in just 10 days!" This sounds too good to be true, I am considering picking some up myself to see what this stuff is really made of! The study also made sure to point out that you must take the product with a high rich protien meal.
Good luck to you! Perhaps I will post my results as well if I pick some up.
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/03/03, 04:37 AM
Thanks. I found an article from research done on ipriflavones that states that there is no evidence (other than anecdotal)on the anibolism of the ipriflavone. There is however strong evidence that it is useful in saving and enhancing bone density. Still looking for something on the methoxyisoflavones though. I did find a cop who claimed to gain 7lbs oss lean mass in 2 weeks on Methoxypro. says he's worked out more than 7 years and he looks the part.
2001/03/04, 11:06 PM
I have recently picked up ' METH-X ' by Dymatize.
It contains:
5-Methyl 7-Methoxyisoflvone N-Acetyl-Cysteine Guggulesterone Tribulus ZMA LPC
Very good combination from my personal experiences without the Meth additions. I have talked to some folks as well and they claim 7-10% gains in lean muscle mass in the first 10-14 days of use.
I'll let you know when I begin using it.
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/03/04, 06:51 AM
Good luck, how much was it?
2001/03/04, 11:12 PM
I was very lucky to get a free sample at a promotion dymatize had (2 bottles). These new porducts are supposed to be effective yet costly.. $40-60US for 2 weeks?
.o0 Arnold 0o.
2001/03/04, 11:16 PM
Ok.. did a little quick research for ya:
I bottle is 25 days worth and goes for the lowest price of $32.99US that I found so far.
.o0 Arnold 0o.