2001/07/09, 10:43 AM
Are numb legs possibly a sign of a pinched nerve? I injured my back doing legpresses in high school. I occationally will have numb legs.
2001/07/23, 03:05 AM
The numbeness in your legs could/could not be connected. The only way to really know is to have a neurologist check you out. May do an EMG to determine the origin of the numbness.
2001/07/23, 12:11 PM
It usually doesn't happen to much. I think that day I just overused my legs. Thanx.
2001/12/17, 11:04 AM
hye !! Freetrainers.com, sir, I have been doing excersie from one year but alternet. Presently i am suffering from my legs and thighs problem. since three years i have seen a gap between my legs. when i walk it displays from opposite side, looking very bad. sometimes i have gotten pain in my knee. presently my legs minor band and thigh is so weak. so, how can i solve this problem ??? I am requesting you , please solve my problem at any cost ... Your thankful, dipakparikh
2001/12/18, 03:47 AM
What about seing profesionnel help like a doc before doing any weight training?
2001/12/18, 07:21 AM
Good Idea. Never mess around when you experience unusual symptoms! One or two work-outs aren't worth the risk of long term injury!