Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

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Nutritional Plan

Posts: 1
Joined: 2006/10/10
United States
2006/10/10, 04:04 PM
Hi, my name is Victoria and I just joined, but am a little confused about the nutritional plan. Is it supposed to set a plan for me or is it just me eating and entering it in to the tracker?
Posts: 3,249
Joined: 2006/05/19
United States
2006/10/10, 04:06 PM
You're going to enter what you eat into the tracker I believe...but it does give you healthy foods to choose from...and build a diet from...welcome to FT:)
Posts: 1
Joined: 2006/10/10
United States
2006/10/11, 11:02 PM
hi i just joined and filled out my nutritional plan and set my exercise to moderate (im doing tieboa 5 times a week). im trying to lose weight but the nutrition plan on this site says that i should be eating over 3000 cals a day this seem like a lot. should i be eatting that much to lose weight?
Posts: 3,249
Joined: 2006/05/19
United States
2006/10/12, 08:24 AM
Yes...thats alot....everybody seems to be having that same lose weight you want to take in between 10-and 15 cal per pound of body weight...depending on how active you are.Welcome to FT lara!:)