2001/03/13, 07:53 PM
Can somebody give me an idea how to find out your body fat on your body....
2001/03/13, 09:23 PM
I don't remember how but if your a part of a gym most of the time they will do one for free...or if you visit a doctor on regular check ups they can also do one
2001/03/14, 05:18 AM
I usually calculate it through sites on the internet, I don't know any specific site, I just search for them. Also the update of freetrainers.com will have such calculators
2001/03/14, 08:38 PM
Pinch, math equations, water, machine.... there are many ways, the only one that is really correct is the water, but find one you like and can afford and use it as your base.
2001/03/15, 05:55 PM
If you are the real Gandhi (as in Mahatma) then you don't have any body fat and that's why you can't find it!
If you are an imposter, check with your gym. If you don't belong to one you might call one and ask if they can check it for you (they might charge).
2001/03/15, 06:49 PM
check this site: http://www4.netrition.com/accufitness_fat_track_page.html