2007/12/16, 12:28 AM
Hello all,
I'm not exactly sure what possessed me to join Ft.com, because I've been in a struggle with weight for years, and I know what to do...but I've had a very hard time implementing change in my life.
When the--pardon my French--shit hit the fan a few years ago, I turned to food as my outlet for stress. As a result I'm a 20 year-old college student, weighing in around 260 Lbs.
I've finally gotten my mind right(not perfect, mind you, but I'm learning to fight for who/what I want to be) and sorted out those things that were holding me back. Now I'm ready to start fresh and finally work hard to make myself healthy and happy.
I'm definitely interested in friendships involving others in similar situations(moral support is always helpful, and I'm glad to support as well).
To all other new and old members alike, I wish you the fortitude of will and the best of luck on your journeys.
2007/12/16, 11:46 AM
Welcome to free trainers! There a lot of knowledgeable people around here, so you should find any answers you're looking for.
I can tell you from my experience, the initial change to a healthier lifestyle is the toughest. I was REALLY heavy when I started out, but as time went on and I educated myself it became much easier. The best part is when you first realize that you have the willpower and strength to really change yourself. If you stick it out I'm sure you will come to feel that too!
Anyway, the best piece of advice I can give you is to ask questions. Knowledge is 90% of the battle.
2007/12/16, 11:06 PM
HEY! You are here, right?!! You are taking steps to get you closer to a healthier lifestyle and that is GREAT! Taking baby steps as far as food/exercise makes reaching goals exciting rather than too big of goals that can be frustrating! Read, implement, and dream big, because you can succeed!
-------------- Veda
It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. - Mabel Newcomber
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. - Napoleon Hill