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Over Training

Posts: 8
Joined: 2003/02/26
United States
2003/02/27, 01:07 PM
I've been training for several years now, always careful to vary workouts etc...
Lately I have been showing symptoms of over training, fatique, cold like symptoms etc... I took this week off, but I want to start a new cycle next week. I usually train 6 days a week with morning workouts (weights) and afternoon workouts (cardio-spinning 3x/week) my question is, if I drop the weight training down to 3x/week and on the other 3 days do my spinning can I go into a heavy cycle or should I take another week or so with a lighter cycle?
Posts: 44
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2003/02/27, 04:03 PM
My two cents, U Should take it easy for a couple weeks, workout 3 times a week and make sure your muscles rest for a full week in between. Should take some Glutamine supplements if your not doing so already.
Posts: 38
Joined: 2003/02/05
United States
2003/02/27, 06:05 PM
I'd read the book " The T Workout " by Men's Health Magazine. Just spend an hour with it in Border's or Barnes & Noble. You should cut the cardio for a while, and then swithc to some form or "High Intensity Interval Training" Search the web for HIIT and you'll get some great info.
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Joined: 2001/10/19
2003/02/28, 01:25 AM
Actually YOU are the one with the answer. Nobody else can really tell.
I just overtrained badly in the beginning of this week. I got enough experience and know when I overtrain or not (you can feel it) but this time I just couldn't stop.
Anyway, I did work out too much and what happened? Lost of appetite, feeling terrible tired and weak and since my immune system got low as well, well then I'm now sitting with a cold and feeling miserable!! )o;

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
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United States
2003/02/28, 10:46 AM
Maybe you should do as Philia says, she is right on. You will know. Pace yourself, find your "zone". Your thresholds may/are different than another person. If you are constantly weaker each time you train the same body part again, that is a good sign you are overtraining, you are not giveing your muscles enough recouperation time. If you are feeling tired all the time, this too is a sign, your immunes system will drop, and you get viruses easy again as Philia says. If you feel any of these signs, then listen to your body and ease back a bit. You will find a "zone". We all are guilty of overtraining periodically, but as long as it is not done on a consistent basis, it is fine.

Failing to plan is like planning to fail!
Posts: 8
Joined: 2003/02/26
United States
2003/02/28, 12:15 PM
Thanks all. It's really difficult to back off sometimes. But I guess it will be more advantageous in the long run.
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2003/03/01, 12:45 AM
For HIIT, has a great program for HIIT.
Posts: 137
Joined: 2003/02/11
United States
2003/03/14, 10:12 AM
its okay to train 6 days a week because you cant over train your whole body just the muscle so try only working one mucle group a work out and proper nutrition and you shouldn't be overtraining then/.

Get Rugged
Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2003/03/14, 10:29 AM
arturo03 what do you mean that you cannot over train your whole body? If someone is workingout 6days a week, and doing cardio 3 days plus and have the symptoms listed above that is overtraining. If you mean like chest0-day one, back-day two etc, that might be ok, but it would differ for each person you might be ok working out 6 days a week, but other might not. Also if they are going heavy all the time that also could lead to overtraining....just wondered what you meant.

Posts: 137
Joined: 2003/02/11
United States
2003/03/14, 04:04 PM
thats what i mean, as long as your not working the same muscle groups more than twice a week then you should be okay. but then again everyone's body reacts different to exercise so if you feel like your overtraining then you probably are.

Get Rugged
Posts: 766
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United States
2003/03/19, 04:41 PM
I have no clue when it comes to overtraining. I know large guys that spend 4 hours in the gym four days per week that look at me funny when I'm out in 70 minutes. I know that genetics play a part and I know all about cortisol and nervous system recovery and microtrauma, but this is one of the issues I have the toughest time rationalizing in my own head.

"Don't follow leaders and watch your parking meters!"
-- Bob Dylan
Posts: 794
Joined: 2002/05/08
United States
2003/03/19, 05:00 PM
i agree mackfactor, it can be hard to determine when one is overtraining. People vary so much, just look at Arnold back in the day, he would give HIT advocates a stroke. He trained with such a high volume, granted with some chemical assistance.