Group: General Fitness & Exercise

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 380, Messages: 54581

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Overweight - Fat burn then weights?

Posts: 6
Joined: 2011/03/23
2011/03/24, 02:18 AM
I am almost 6' 220 lbs. 185 being my normal weight. I want to get back into shape after about a year layoff and want some opinions on what to do. If I want to go the muscle/weight gain route should I just go from where I am now or do 2 months HIIT then go back to weight training.
Posts: 37
Joined: 2011/03/29
United States
2011/03/31, 07:41 PM
I'd say both. HIIT is great for fat loss/calorie burning, but you need the lean muscle mass to help melt the fat away.
Try one of the many strength training programs here.
best of luck!

If you have never failed,odds are you never tried.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2011/03/23
2011/04/03, 11:22 AM
I saw Menace post this, I am going to try it for 6 weeks:

day 1 (heavy day after break)
Standing Barbell Military/Push Presses
Weighted Dips
Barbell curls (my addition, I cant do pullups very well and there is no "helper" pullup machine where I go)

FREEWEIGHT Barbell Bent Over Rows
FREEWEIGHT Barbell Bench Variation
Weighted Hyperextensions
I Added chest flys

FREEWEIGHT Barbell/DB Lunges
FREEWEIGHT Barbell/DB 1 Legged RDLs

Day 1 routine is the day after a 1 or 2 day break and I eat the most before/after on this day so I added an iso exercise for each body part, bi/tri/shoulder. I do HIIT 4 times a week. I go 5 days a week and always go 7 days before doing the same workout so sometimes I just go there to do a 20 min HIIT and forearms.

As far as diet goes I try to space out my meals to 5-6 a day and force myself to drink a lot of water. 2 eggs with orange juice and oatmeal in the morning. After workout I have a 1 liter whey shake with soy milk, 2% yogurt, raspberry or blueberries and flax seed. I have some kind of low carb wrap with turkey/chicken and greens or salmon/chicken breast. I work evenings so I usually have a some kind of apple/carrots/almonds combo and I always have raisins and another one of my shakes mentioned above on my break.

If anyone cared enough to read all that and want to critique anything I am happy for your help. I am 215 lbs 27 year old male, I went to the gym for 3 years and then stopped for a year and now I am back. Feels good. :)
Posts: 6
Joined: 2011/03/23
2011/04/03, 11:30 AM
Should add I dont do a HIIT on day 1 routine either for obvious reasons.

The iso exercises are incline bench DB curl, skullcrushers, and shoulder shrugs on that big overhang machine people sometimes do stabilized benches on.

My biggest diet problem is on the weekends I probably over eat a little bit (based off nutritional plan here) and slightly under eat mon-fri. I try to eat a leftover piece of salmon or chicken breast on breaks but it is still hard to reach the 4000~ calorie/700-800 carb area 5 days a week.