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PMS appetite help!

Posts: 467
Joined: 2002/08/12
United States
2002/08/16, 12:41 PM
How do you all deal with this??? The first half of my cycle I can stick to my diet no prob - in fact, I have a hard time eating enough. Once the PMS hits I crave carbs, carbs, carbs! Fats, fats, fats! Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol! LOL I've found my other PMS symptoms have almost disappeared since I started working out, but the cravings make it tough to stick to my guns. Especially at night when they really peak. Any advice? No? Sympathy? Maybe? :)
Posts: 966
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United States
2002/08/16, 07:47 PM
Um...go to bed earlier. ;) Just kidding!
I usually get a big sweet tooth before my period starts and, to be honest with you, I just give in, after giving in I am very satisfied and can move on with eating normally. If you did give in one of those days, do you think your cravings would diminish?
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Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/08/17, 02:50 AM
Yes I agree, it can be tough..... I was stupid enough to try a diet last month JUST before my period (I didn't realize it was THAT time already) I did my diet but I tell you I was hungry.....

I don't know about you girls, but I'm always very hungry just BEFORE my period but not hungry at all AFTER..... So it's like all I ate before will balance with the "not eating" after.....

About the carvings, go for a walk, drink water, eat chewing gum, do the washing, just keep yourself occupied the most possible!!

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
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United States
2002/08/17, 10:40 PM
I usually get my appetite a few days to a week BEFORE so I know it is coming. I do tend to eat a little heavier so I just up my cardio about 15-20 minutes more a day. It takes the guilt away and seems to be doing all right for me.

During my period, I usually don't get all that many cravings, so I try and eat very clean. Like I have said many a times before, my downfall is candy and of course during that time, it just gets worse.

Posts: 7
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United States
2002/08/21, 10:02 AM
Your body needs about 300 calories more when you have menses- not that we can go and have a chocolate chake but your body needs the extra fuel.
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Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/08/22, 02:53 AM

Quoting from kymryan:

Your body needs about 300 calories more when you have menses- not that we can go and have a chocolate chake but your body needs the extra fuel.


Hmmmmm yes but that's a fact that is way too easy to turn into an excuse for eating a lot more than you are suppose to...... lol I don't want to know it!!!! (o;

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
Posts: 467
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United States
2002/08/24, 03:54 PM
Sorry, didn't mean to drop off the face of the earth. I only get online once a week or so. Of course now the PMS is gone so I'm not so frantic... LOL

Philia, I'm the same way so really when I average out the PMS days with the days after when I lose my appetite I probably get a fairly reasonable average.

Lumina, I do think if I give in for a day the next day I feel more satisfied with a clean diet; I think that's true even if I don't go nuts with the chips, but just eat more of my regular foods.

Thanks for replies y'all!
Posts: 2
Joined: 2002/08/26
United States
2002/08/26, 09:55 PM
PMS? Well, I've had it for years and years until my OB/GYN told me to take 100mg of vitamin B6, 400 I.U.'s of vitamin E everyday and atleast 20 minutes of exercise which I do more than that. Consistency is key. I've also noticed when I eat too much salt during the month I will bloat a little and cramp a little. But basically my doc said that PMS is a chemical imbalance and the B6 gives you energy and the E offsets free radicals. Worked for me. Try it! MX

Quoting from JessicaR:

How do you all deal with this??? The first half of my cycle I can stick to my diet no prob - in fact, I have a hard time eating enough. Once the PMS hits I crave carbs, carbs, carbs! Fats, fats, fats! Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol! LOL I've found my other PMS symptoms have almost disappeared since I started working out, but the cravings make it tough to stick to my guns. Especially at night when they really peak. Any advice? No? Sympathy? Maybe? :)

Posts: 2
Joined: 2002/08/26
United States
2002/08/26, 09:57 PM
Also, the exercise releases the proper hormones in your brain that need to be released. That's it.

Quoting from singirene:

PMS? Well, I've had it for years and years until my OB/GYN told me to take 100mg of vitamin B6, 400 I.U.'s of vitamin E everyday and atleast 20 minutes of exercise which I do more than that. Consistency is key. I've also noticed when I eat too much salt during the month I will bloat a little and cramp a little. But basically my doc said that PMS is a chemical imbalance and the B6 gives you energy and the E offsets free radicals. Worked for me. Try it! MX

Posts: 467
Joined: 2002/08/12
United States
2002/08/27, 10:39 PM
Thanks Irene - I'm definitely getting that in my diet and with the exercise I've seen an almost total recovery from my PMS, which was really, really bad. Really bad. LOL I can laugh about it now but...well... it was baaaaaad. The only thing left is the munchies and a little irritablility and fatigue, which I can live with. Compared to before I'm in heaven!

If relief from PMS was the only benefit to working out I'd still be doing it... it has made that kind of a difference in my life. If I'd known how easy it would be, I'd have done it long before.