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Protein shakes

Posts: 6
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2002/06/21, 10:35 AM
I just had a quick question. I was wondering when the best time to drink a protein shake is. Before a workout or after? Thanks in advance for advice given.
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2002/06/21, 10:38 AM
After your workout.

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2002/06/22, 01:47 AM
Different opinions about this one. If you haven't had anything to eat a long time before then I'll advice you to drink your protein shake before your weight training (not always necessairy if you only do cardio). Otherwise do as Robert says, drink it after.

The most important thing is that you drink it!

- Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....
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2002/07/08, 12:47 PM
how could we prepare a low cost protein supplement with all the required nutrients in it.
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2002/07/08, 02:00 PM
if you're going to do the protein shake after the workout (i strongly agree with robert), then also take your carbs as well so the proteins then do their job in repairing the muscles.

dont forget that you also need to eat prior to your work out.

"Trample the weak; hurdle the dead!"
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2002/07/09, 05:10 PM
what would you usually eat.....
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2002/07/11, 10:57 AM
Depends on what type of protein your taking. If your taking a whey isolate, then take it within a half hour after your last weight hits the floor. Whey protein is quickly absorbed by the body. Soy isolate is a absorbed slower then whey. I like to drink a soy shake right before I go to bed.

"Step over to the Abdominator and I will shout slogan's at you"..McBain
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2002/07/31, 01:30 PM
I like to eat 5'7 grams of protein with very low carbs (such as 2 egg whites (32 calories or so) immediately after weight training. Then i will have my full meal an hour after. I eat 5-7 meals a day...whatever I can fit in.
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2002/07/31, 04:46 PM

Quoting from rev8ball:

if you're going to do the protein shake after the workout (i strongly agree with robert), then also take your carbs as well so the proteins then do their job in repairing the muscles.

dont forget that you also need to eat prior to your work out.

This is absolutely correct. It is amazing that so many people workout and do not eat beforehand. That is like driving a car with no gas.
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2002/07/31, 04:47 PM
I can undestand that, but if I eat anything from a piece of fruit or anything I get sick If I workout. I always try to work out on an empty stomach or if it is after work that my last meal is well over an hour before if not more.

"When in danger, or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout" LIFT HARD AND OFTEN!!!!!!
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2002/07/31, 09:50 PM
Recent research has shown that you may be in an even more anabolic state with a protein drink before training!! Your amino acid supply will be up for training, then another drink immediately afterwards that also contains a small amount of high glycemic carbs for a "bracketing" effect. this is a very effective procedure to stay in an anabolic state.
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2002/08/01, 02:56 AM
Yes bb1fit, as I said, different opinions about that one.

Conclusion: take a protein shake BEFORE weight training and a protein + carbs shake AFTER......

(The reason about the "before one" is that it'll take around one hour for the body to absorb the proteins so when you're done with the training you already got the needed proteins. The after shake you'll need to fill up the glycogene in the muscles)

- Nina :o) Vous êtes tous magnifiques!
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2002/08/31, 11:56 PM
yea i agree with philia2

but what if your trying to loose weight? should u still have a high glycogene and glucose level?
cause I herd that if you weight lift contunusily for 30 minutes your glocuse level will be really low, and then you should do cardio right after which will burn nothing for fat for energy

so should you still have the protein shake before the weightlifting program if you doing cardio right after?

Tiffany Der #10

"You have to make it through the rain in order to see the Rainbow........."
2002/12/03, 11:12 PM
okay: question...........

if you work out in the morning around 8am what would you eat before going to lift then after that cardio? and what would you eat afterwards and why? Thanks Im learning this stuff :)
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2002/12/04, 02:01 AM
Personally I would take a protein shake (with water or skim milk) before the work out and my oats and fruits after.

If the work out lasts more than one hour I would probably eat some carbs as well like some cottage cheese with jam or dry raisins....

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
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2002/12/08, 10:24 AM
What do you put in a protein + carbs shake? Most protein powders don't have carbs... do they?

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2002/12/09, 11:52 AM
unfortunately, with all of the low carb hype, most supplement companies have discontinued carrying any type of post work out shakes/weight gainers. there are a few out there so you have to really look for them. otherwise, if you can find a pure carb mix (usually made for marathon runners, etc.), you can customize your own shake by adding what you want to the protein powder. it ends up not really costing that much more, and is more tailored.

"Trample the weak; hurdle the dead!"
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2002/12/11, 09:51 AM
Where would they sell this carb mix? Supplement store? Health food stores? Or those wierd runner's stores?

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2002/12/11, 10:51 AM
LOL @ "those weird runner's stores." so true....

you should be able to find them at a supplement store or on line. i know for a fact that Universal Nutrtion sells one called 'Carb Pro.' i believe that SAN and VPX sell one as well.

"Trample the weak; hurdle the dead!"
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2002/12/11, 02:03 PM
Beverly has a product called Mass Maker that may be the best carb to protein ratio for recovery there is. And top ingredients, no crap in it! Taken according to bodyweight.

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!
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2003/01/12, 08:46 PM
Ok, would it be ok to take whey protein during breakfast, around 7:15 and start working out around 11:30? I am in school so this would be the easiest for me or should I just go on and take it too school and drink some about 30 minutes to an hour before I workout?
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2003/03/29, 04:31 AM
Question for Philia2 and anyone else who mixes water and protein powder: What are you using? Does it taste good at all? My protein makes me wanna puke when I mix it with water. Skim milk makes it taste like a strawberry shake! I just can't do water.....

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2004/04/11, 08:59 AM
how long b4 workout should you take the shake? 30min, 15min or just right b4?
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2004/04/11, 09:23 AM
Hellscream, I think you want to be taking your shake after and not before. Immediately after is best.
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2004/04/11, 03:42 PM
Well some people seem to be suggesting before too, if it is b4, how long?
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2004/04/13, 01:40 PM
I hear working out on a full stomach can be bad?
I usually wait 45 min. to an hour before working out?

I get stomaach cramps and I feel lousy if I go right after
eating or drinking anything...

I agree with the whole food as feul thing?

We must take care of our bodies, its where we live.
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2004/04/18, 11:05 PM
if you want to take the shake before your workout, do it an hour before
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2004/04/30, 01:22 PM
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2005/10/08, 07:55 PM
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2005/10/08, 09:11 PM
45 min. to 1 hr. is pretty common digestion times for many of the foods we normally eat. I made a post once of digestion times, will try to find it. Good rule of thumb.

Quoting from JMLCMT:

I hear working out on a full stomach can be bad?
I usually wait 45 min. to an hour before working out?

I get stomaach cramps and I feel lousy if I go right after
eating or drinking anything...

I agree with the whole food as feul thing?


If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
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2005/10/09, 12:06 AM
Don't forget to have some Casein pre-bedtime.

I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle-victorious.
--Vince Lombardi
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El Salvador
2005/10/14, 04:06 PM
Like cottage cheese, milk or a whole protein source as chicken breast, tuna, meat....
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2005/10/27, 03:21 PM
it depends on what your goals are. your body uses protein to repair your muscles so you need the protein shake after you work out. you should follow up your work out with carbs within 30 minutes of completion,this helps in muscle recovery. one hour after workout take your protein with a little more carbs. it is also a good idea to take a protein shake before going to sleep because your body rebuilds your muscles when you are at rest. its ok to take a shake for breakfast too.

Quoting from dj-casanova:

I just had a quick question. I was wondering when the best time to drink a protein shake is. Before a workout or after? Thanks in advance for advice given.

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2005/10/27, 03:29 PM
you should eat carbs approximately 30 minutes before doing your workout/cardio and then carbs about 30 minutes after completion. carbs are the most efficient source of energy your body has. there are a lot of energy bars out there that are a good source of carbs they are also convenient. the carbs will also aid in muscle recovery. if you are lifting as well and want to put on a little muscle mass then you should take protein an hour after your workout to rebuild your muscle.

Quoting from cc:

okay: question...........

if you work out in the morning around 8am what would you eat before going to lift then after that cardio? and what would you eat afterwards and why? Thanks Im learning this stuff :)


strength is not given strength is earned - RIP Byrd
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2005/10/27, 03:35 PM
try to eat a little sooner than you have tried and keep experimenting until you find something that works because if you arent eating then you are malnurished when you are working out and wont have the energy needed to get those gains you are perfectly capable of acheiving. try drinking gatorade for a starter.

Quoting from 7707mutt:

I can undestand that, but if I eat anything from a piece of fruit or anything I get sick If I workout. I always try to work out on an empty stomach or if it is after work that my last meal is well over an hour before if not more.


strength is not given strength is earned - RIP Byrd
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2005/11/18, 01:23 PM
I usually eat 45-1 hour before my workout a smashed banana with peanut butter.... it gives me a great boost... and after the workout i have a protein shake :)

I was just wondering... what'w better... weight lifting then cardio or the other way around ?
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2009/01/09, 03:43 PM
I says and always heard its better to do cardio after.. You need to have that energy to lift...A quick 3-5 min jog is good to get going before though.
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2009/01/13, 02:39 PM
In my experience, maybe a bit of very light cardio pre resistance workout simply for overall body warmup. But that is as far as I take it.

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2009/01/30, 02:50 PM
i believe if u eat a well balanced meal and completely digest the food than work out...after the work out drink the shake your good to go...all that cardio with the shake and mixing it, im not too sure about could make a fruit juice vegetable shake after the protien shake to get good carbs...bruce lee did that