2012/03/06, 09:56 AM
- 2012/03/06, 10:06 AM)
Hi everyone,Im lenore. 27 years old.this is the first time ive joined any health community or even considered trying to b healthy. I been fat my whole life,before i really didnt care whatever people say to me or how they see me,or atleast i pretend that i dont care, nd just move on with my life.usually just ignore people or when they give me advice about my weight i just shrugged it off. i never listened to anyone before and try to ignore all the pain or hurtful things other people tells me. but even if i been fat all my life, nd tried to ignore the hurtful remarks, its still gonna get to you nd its gonna make ur self esteem really low,.i thought i was a strong person nd doesnt need any help or any advice about my life, but now i realize dat was just me bein a coward to face the reality.or rather that was me that gave up on myself long time ago.things happened to me recently that showed me how weak i am emotionally nd how low is my self esteem, always think im not worth anything anymore.i lost myself.all these time im just hurting myself.nd the people that cares for me.then reality hits me hard nd really painful, it got me depressed for sometime and thought about giving up. then i remembered the people i care about nd that cared for me all these times, people that nver gave up on me and always believed in me,it made me realize how lucky i am that even if i given up on myself already there are people that havent given up on me yet. Even if i wasnt the easiest person to b with, i told myself how dare i give up on myself when these people still havent yet.how dare i do this to myself,hurt myself nd the people i care about.and this got to stop, i need to change, for those that cares for me nd specially for myself.i owe it to myself to b healthy and i owe it to myself to be happy.i made my resolve and im willing to do what it takes to be healthy and be happy about my life, and it will all start with me.i started sorting some things in my life,joined a gym today but trainers nowadays are soo expensive so i discovered this site and im gonna follow the plans it sets for me. and look for ways to make my meal healthy,i know its gonna be hard and maybe sometimes times of weakness will come,but i want to fight it with all i can.I hope its not too late for me yet. and im sorry if my english is bad ,im not even sure if im making any sense xD.wish me luck guys,pls feel free to offer advise to me,i need those so much :) xD