well it say do not ake if diabetic but i took some and had no real bad affects i was wondwerinf dsoes anyone know if i start taking the pilss once a day will trhere be any bad effects occuring.
I am with mutt what is this stuff probably has mass insulin spikes it I say go ahead take it when you get outta that diabetic coma in the hospital 2 months later let me know
FAT BURNERS-THERMOGENICS ARE NOT MAGIC PILLS!!!..they usually have terrible side effects if not at first..eventualy they will...
there is a reason why they put that on the label..they have also recently added a warning that only 18 yrs of age or older should consume (re: redline drink)...
sooo..if you want caffiene...brew yourself some good old fashioned unsweetened ice tea...make it kinda strong...add a sweetener you like, some lemon...ice it up..and drink it at the gym..WOW!!..you just saved yourself some money!!.. :p