I am 5 foot tall and 143 pounds - I have a wedding coming up in 6 weeks (April 9th) and need to lose 10 pounds before the wedding. I have been trying to diet and exercise, but haven't been successful in sticking to my routine. One of my problems is that I'm not fully aware of the exercises that I need to do in order to maximize my weight loss and get frustrated at not seeing results. It is also really hard for me to eat entirely healthy (although I try) due to a very busy routine. Can anyone suggest a heavy duty routine or diet that will help me shed these 10 pounds before me wedding? I also need help in toning the underside of my arms. Thanks.
you can probably lose 10 pounds by then, but you'll have to buckle down. Fill out your profile and get a workout from this website. Cut out all your sugary foods and the processed ones and go for all natural stuff and drink a ton of water. I don't know if you'll successfully tone the underside of your arms. If they are a problem area for you then it will take longer than 6 weeks to do that. Even if they aren't a problem area foryou they will probably take longer than 6 weeks to shape up. However, you are short and I've read that shorter people make faster progress when the very first start to lift weights. It sounds like a crock, but it has something to do with the length of the "muscle bellies" and since you are short the muscle bellies are shorter and respond quicker to weights. This only applies to the first few weeks that you ever work out though.
You might want to think about some sort of wrap to go with your dress so that you can hide your arms in some of the pictures if you aren't pleased with them. I don't want to discourage you, but I'm trying to be realistic.