Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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ruptured Bicep

Posts: 1
Joined: 2012/08/30
2012/08/30, 04:38 PM
Ok.  i injured my bicep muscle on May 6th, 2012.  I went to the Doctor and he said it looks like just a pulled muscle.  and gave me some neoproxin to deal with the pain and inflamation.  After a week I told him it looks deformed.  He set up an ultrasound.  the ultrasound came up negative.  I was relieved and thought that it would only take a matter of time.  After weeks and weeks the pain went away.  I started with light weights.  The deformity was not going away.  I started reading up on line and say that an MRI was the best way of finding out what is wrong with the muscle.  I had an MRI done and it revealed that it is ruptured.  I am PISSED because this is what was wrong all along.  its almost 4 months.  I have to wait 1 week as i need to set up an appointment with a specialist.  regardless i NEED to do the surgeory to get my arm going.  my fear is will it be too late??  Im 36 yrs old and have been working out for the past 12 years.  Has anyone ever waited this long???
