2005/10/10, 11:40 PM
I frequent another sight.....myspace....and it has a health and fitness forum......filled mostly with arrogant high school/ college people. Well a post was started.....steriods, who takes them.......and to my serprise....almost 2/3 of the "main posters" take and are currently on steriods.....or some form of. Now, I did try them for like a week.....however I took only 1/4 the recomended dosage....anmd only before I worked out. I din't like this "unnatural" enhacmnet I had...so I tossed them.......drained them down the garbadge disposal.
Whats so shocking is that most of these guys the youngest who said they do is 17 and the oldest being like 24....But these guys are taking like major stuff.....injectabal kind.....mine wa sa homeopathic tesasterone in pill form.
Some have been cycling on and off for 1-3 years.......i'm just left astounded that its so very popular!
that its no longer taboo... crazy
-------------- Friends don't let friends squat high...
People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it.
2005/10/11, 03:56 AM
Maybe they're exaggerating to sound cool? That is quite depressing!
2005/10/11, 11:00 AM
Elevated test levels at that age are just asking for trouble. Some folks may not realize, and for sure a 17 yr. old, that if you do not have a muscle base in the first place, steroids will not magically put muscle on you without total abuse. And this will dramatically backfire in most cases.
-------------- If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
2005/10/11, 02:53 PM
Over the weekend a few of us got into a discussion about a guy who is using steroids. He did them because his wife liked the look of him when he was juiced.
Go figure.
-------------- I am training for birthdays.
Be here. Live. Love. Hope. Now. Faith. Believe. You. - Keith Urban
2005/10/11, 02:58 PM
It is sad and SCAREY B.A. When I look at the youngsters who post here and can't even figure out the right topic heading to post under it makes me wonder if they stick the juice needle in their eye or ear thinking that it will take effect faster if they do it closer to their brains.
Bottom line is lot's of folks want an easy shortcut. Congrats on your decision to leave it alone.
-------------- Sometimes life is like herding cats.
2005/10/11, 03:04 PM
for them, its all about how the body 'looks'. especially at that age, self consciousness about body image and acceptance by peers plays a big role. inexperience and goals also have alot to do with it.. i know when i was younger it was all about getting as huge as i could no matter what.. as ive gained alot more knowledge over the years, my priorities have changed. i know alot of us now share the same sentiment of a pursuit for health and fitness that we see our futures heading, and dont opt for those 'unnatural additives'.
2005/10/11, 03:26 PM
I know.....but still i'm dumb founded....I know ego is a major weakness in the weightlifting area....but hell who knows that this coutry is coming too.
-------------- Friends don't let friends squat high...
People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it.
2005/10/11, 05:38 PM
I dont know why that came up null
2005/10/11, 11:01 PM
soem one actualy compared to taking steriods as putting a turbo on your car......just makes you better lol
-------------- Friends don't let friends squat high...
People don't reach thier true potental, only those who seek it.
2005/10/11, 11:28 PM
id compare it to putting a turbo on your car and sugar in your gas tank.
-------------- Your two most important minerals: Iron and Chalk.
If you smoke or don’t wear your seatbelt, please don’t tell me the deadlift is dangerous.
2005/10/12, 08:53 PM
Nice parallel Wrestler!
-------------- Scales are for dead weight: We are not dead yet!
Still trying to find out how to do the Hollywood Free Press.
Montreal Canada