2004/03/09, 01:21 PM
I like to do more than lifting and I am fitting everything in is a challenge. On the plate is 3 yoga classes, 2kick boxing aerobics classes,2 spinning classes, lifting upper body 3 times a week, and 2 days for lower body. Abs, of course, are incorporated into every day. Does this sound sane? I do like to incorporate a run in a couple of times too....not really going for a look, but looking for endurance and lean muscle mass in a well-rounded schedule. I have a tentative schedule set incorporating all the times and classes. I am needing to get more specific with lifting routines. Any pointers or workouts that you would recommend?
2004/03/09, 02:34 PM
Sounds like a lot, but if you can fit it in without exhasuting yourself, hey, do it!
The yoga is beneficial in many ways and is different than lifting or cardio.
Spinning is awesome and burns megacalories, as does kickboxing.
If you are not overdoing it, upper body three times and lower body twice is probably okay, though your legs are getting a lot of work in spin class - try to stagger your leg workouts so they get some time to recover.
Abs are like any other muscle goup - they need time to recover, do them every other day and do lower back targeting exercises on the alternate days, you need to focus on your whole core, not just the abs. yoga will work your core, also.
Make sure you are eating to support your workout shcedule - you will burn out fast if you don't have the fuel necessary for spin class and lifting.
If you find yourself experiencing any symptoms of overtraining, you may need to cut back, but for a very fit individual, your routine is okay.
Look at the programs in the fitness section here on ft - there may be a routine that ineterests you, if you aren't stuck to your 3 days upper, 2 lower, you may really like some of the routines they have.
Good luck! and don't add everything all at once if you are just starting out - ad in one class a week and see how you feel!