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Shaping of the chest

Posts: 6
Joined: 2004/10/26
United States
2004/10/26, 06:02 PM
Hi, I'm new here and I came on the internet to get an answer to something that is bothering me. I'm 24 and I've been an athlete my entire life (baseball) and I'm trying to shape my chest to look better. My bench is around 315. I'm pretty strong for my size (185). The problem is I feel my chest and shoulders are kind of droopy. I feel this is because of my chest. I notice my upper chest is most of the problem. My collar bones stick out noticibly and my upper inner chest seems to be non existant. I've tried incline, incline with DB and cords. I need some expert advise.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/09/18
United States
2004/10/26, 08:13 PM
hey jammo and welcome to FT! not sure if i can completely answer question but i think i know what your talking about with droop shoulders. about geeze i think 5 years now when i was in highschool all i did was bench and one my teacher stopped me in the hall and told me my shoulders were drooping forward and asked me what i worked out in the gym and when i told him chest and bi's he said my shoulders are drooping forward because all i really focussed on was chest. So that my be it if your not working your shoulders properly they will not develop along with the rest of your body. When it comes down to showing any muscle really it has to do with body fat. my upper chest didn't show till i started loosing weight then i saw a big difference after only 6 weeks , so maybe you just need to loose some body fat to reveal your upper chest. It doesn't matter how much you bench either, it's all about diet and knowing how to shape your body. Good luck
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Joined: 2004/10/26
United States
2004/10/26, 09:12 PM
I really, really dont think that it has much to do with my body fat. I have next to none. I would say all 185 pounds of me is muscle(well, damn near). What you said does make sense. I've done a lot of working out through high school till now and I have a pretty good idea what I'm doing. Your statement makes sense to me because up until lately I really didnt focus too much on my shoulders. I'm glad you responded, it makes a lot of sense and now I have a new focus. However, I would still like to hear some other ideas/as to why. Thanks for your imput Justin! Much appreciated.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2004/10/26
United States
2004/10/26, 09:13 PM
One more thing, Do you have any idea as to why I cant get rid of these bulging collar bones?
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/09/18
United States
2004/10/27, 12:12 AM
Well from the sounds if it, maybe you need to bulk up and add some more mass. I really don't think you can anything about your bone structure. Maybe you just need to pack on some more meat on them bones:laugh: What's your diet like? Just because someone is lean does not mean they're healthy not saying thats the case with you just giving some suggestion as to why your having trouble with your chest. So your ratio of mucle to body fat could be a little off. :big_smile:
Posts: 6
Joined: 2004/10/26
United States
2004/10/27, 02:20 AM
Well, I eat anything I can get my hands on. 1-2 whey protein shakes a day. No processd or fast food. Most people guess I weight around 200 lbs (I look heavier than I am). I dont take any supplements. I am extremely strong for my size. Most people say I look like I have a pretty good size. I think its always yourself that is most critical of judging your own body. Its just my chest that bothers me. Last time I checked my body fat it was around 7%. I'm not too familiar with what is healthy and what is not (never had to worry about it) but I do know I do not have a whole lot of fat. After talking to some people I'm beging to believe that I need to do more back (like you said) and more traps. Hopefully this will help. Again, I appreciate your help. I was going to start doing more incline if it wasnt for your reply.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2004/10/26
United States
2004/10/27, 03:55 AM
I meant to say shoulders as well.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/09/18
United States
2004/10/27, 01:20 PM
You need to do a full body workout working all muscle groups. Do not work one group more than the other, everything should be the same or you will run into another proportion problem. 7% pretty darn low. You really should weigh yourself. 200lbs at 7% bodyfat is pretty massive and if you not working all your muscle groups i don't see it being all muscle. I really doubt your 7% bodyfat, if you were 200lbs with 7% bodyfat you should be competing in a body building competition. Just because you thin does not mean you have no fat. Before in your post you said you were 185. And just eating anything you can get your hands on is not wise nor is it going to help you get bigger(Muscle) although it will help with fat. I'm fairly lean and i my pictures i'm at about 14% bodyfat at 187lbs.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/09/18
United States
2004/10/27, 01:23 PM
Sign up for a workout program on here and start watching what you eat , try shopping off the bodybuilders grocery list on here.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2004/10/26
United States
2004/10/27, 09:42 PM
I always have worked all muscle groups. I do know that by not doing so can cause proportion problems. I also do some power lifting. I have 3 days of different workouts and I do each twice a week. I do chest, shoulders and abs on one day. The second, I do back and arms. On the third day I do lower body. I do weight around 185, even at the carnivals where they guess your weight within 3 lbs they're over by around 10. Other people will guess around 200 lbs as well. Its kind of strange. You are probably right about my body fat not being 7%. Like I said though, I'm not too familiar in that area. My metabolism is throught the roof. I have a sleeping disorder because of it. I get told all the time "I cant believe how you stay so thin with as much as you eat". I will admit I dont eat the greatest stuff. But I do it because I just want to keep my weight and not be a measly 165 lbs.
Posts: 1,312
Joined: 2003/09/18
United States
2004/10/27, 11:57 PM
I remeber reading on here on a post not too long ago where it was strongly suggested not to do shoulders and chest on the same day especially if your doing alot incline your using the front deltoid pretty heavily do due to angle. I would drop working out each body part twice a week your just heading for over training and also limiting your gains by not giving you muscles proper time to repair and grow, remember muscles grows outside of the gym not in the gym. and i've heard 60% of muscle repair occurs while you sleep so your pre bed meal is really important. Also the sooner you correct your diet the sooner you'll see amazing results it took me a little while to correct mine as well while in school but once i did the results were awesome. Try taking some ZMA right before bed it helps with getting a good nights sleep and feeling refrehed min the morning a little less groggy when you first wake up.
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Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2004/10/29, 01:09 PM
Also ar eyou benching to show off big numbers... or benching to body build? Both are fine, however to "build" a chest..... it needs to be 100% chest work, not tris and shoulders, like it is for powerlifting.

Keep your elbows at 90 degrees, and pull form your innner chest. Also do more dumbells and dips, the more of a stretch you get more muscle fibers you activate.

....I'm probably in my underwear typing this......or maybe not!
Posts: 1
Joined: 2005/07/16
2005/07/16, 03:34 PM
hai ..

i started in the gym early in my 17.. now i am 23 chest and my thies are large and i look like a profesional body builder,,,but i want to look like a normal person with muscular thin shape pleace any body help me to reduce my chest and thies(full of muscels)
Posts: 1,084
Joined: 2004/12/04
2005/07/16, 06:34 PM
i think he needs to learn how to spell THIGHS and MUSCLES first
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Joined: 2008/06/06
2008/06/06, 09:29 AM
can anyone tell how to shread fat from chest and specially when nipple is just starting to grow