2006/01/24, 11:05 AM
All right, I'm not sure how thorougly this topic has been broached. There are a few military members around I'm sure, so lets see what kind of answers I get :)
My question is this: What is the best form of physical training for a military individual? While I'm not infantry, I still do the normal runs, rucksack marches, trench digging, and long hours without sleep. What would the best form of full-body PT be to make life easier while doing this? I don't need to be cut, nor do I need to be able to bench 28,000lbs. I'd simply like to be stronger and more effective, overall. Also, the most common long-term injuries in the military are knees (by far!) as well as back injuries.
So really what I'm asking is for some help with a full-body plan, with attention paid to any way possible to strenghten knees and back. The other part of my post is about shin splints, which are a very common thing for many reasons, and I'd like to know exactly what they are, what causes them, and how to prevent/get rid of them.
Any and all help is appreciated,