2003/04/10, 04:04 AM
Hello everyone! I'm new to the site and I'm getting into it so far. I think it's great!
Anyway, the main reason I joined is because I'm applying to the Armed Forces Reserves and they have a min. fitness requirement so I want to get in better shape. Now, I am by no means overweight or unhealthy(5'7 150lbs.) but I'm having trouble doing sit-ups the way they want(hands over ears and touching elbows to knees with legs 90 degrees and feet flat) Is there anything I can do to quickly train for this?(I only have about a month) I know sit-ups aren't as good as crunches but, unfortunately, I have to do them for the fitness evaluation before I can get in.
Thanks for any help!
2003/04/10, 07:41 AM
Hey MasterRaistlin,
I went through this many years ago. The only training I knew of at the time was actually just doing the situps. I used to do them everyday, most of the day. My routine was to stop what I was doing once every hour and crank out a certain number of pushups and situps. Start with 10 of each every hour. (Did this at work and at home) by the end of the day, you have done a ton, but staggered them so they dont kill you early on. After a week, try going to 15, then 20. It really helped me out at the time! Hope this helps.... And good luck in the reserve! The military was some of the best/worst times of my life, but will always be memorable!!!
2003/04/11, 03:58 AM
Thanks jhadams for your help! Ya know what's funny though, I've been struggling for the last few days and then today I sat down, went to do some sit-ups and did a bunch! You know what my problem was? My knees were too close to my body! LOL They were closer to a 45 degree angle than a 90 degree angle. Boy do I feel stupid now..oh well... I'm really excited to join but I'm crossing my fingers for my bosses to give me time off work this summer to go do Basic...otherwise...I have to wait until winter =(
2003/04/11, 11:00 AM
I know that feeling. I contract for the place I work now, I know they wouldnt give me the time to re-enlist for the reserves. (My Inactive Reserves was up a long time ago) Of course, I dont think they really want a 33 year old guy with two bad knees! LOL