Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 970, Messages: 18927

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slight physical limitation

Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/08/31
United States
2003/08/31, 11:39 PM
Intellectually I know I shouldn't give a darn, but emotionally I have a slight hangup on a very slight physical limitation I have, which is a very minor case of cerebral palsy. Basically it manifests itsfelf with a slight limp (tippy toe) and lack of fine motor control in right hand. WOOHOO, eh!

Although my right side will never equal my left, what excercises can I do to extend the heel chord; stregthen the wrist; and build muscle tone in the right side extremities?
Too long I have felt embarrassed going into the gym and not lifting a satisfactory weight (which I know is ridiculous, but you have trouble lifting the barbell and see the looks!).

BTW anyone in Tallahassee, Florida?
Posts: 192
Joined: 2002/12/23
United States
2003/09/01, 05:06 AM
To strengthen the wrist try some forearm exercises such as dumbbell and barbell curls and behind the back curls. Another exercise I do is hold a dumbbell in your hand and rotate your wrist as far as you can in one direction, then repeat in the opposite direction. To build muslce, you'll need to lift heavy. Good luck.
Posts: 1
Joined: 2005/05/17
United Kingdom
2005/05/17, 09:17 PM
hi ya!! a friend of mine has just had a baby!!(2 days ago!!) but she also has cerebral palsy which only afects her legs! we were wonderin what excerises she should do which would help her with her cerebral palsy and her baby fat combined???

Lilyflower0;-) x x x
Posts: 1,084
Joined: 2004/12/04
2005/05/17, 09:28 PM
try to do isolation exercises.. for ex, do dumbell curls which isolate each arm. say you do alternating dumbell curls.. start with your weaker arm, and work it to whatever goal you want and MATCH your stronger arm to that.. that will allow your weaker arm to strengthen up without your stronger one just getting stronger as well..

i would say to extend your heel chord stretch it. stand with your the tips of your feet on a step and let your heels hang down for 20 s.. hope some of this helps.. i dont know too much about cerebral palsy, but if you are looking to build up muscle and stretch that heel chord, this should help.. :big_smile: