2001/03/24, 02:30 PM
I've been using a smith machine for squats. I wonder if I would get better results without using the machine. My legs have always been my most challenging body part to build. Any thoughts?
2001/03/24, 09:12 PM
smith machine has the same efect as as squats its just easier on the littler muscles and your back but its good for squats i think thats what dorian used
2001/03/25, 08:00 PM
Smith machine squats really work your quads great. But they don't help your hams much. I also like free weight squats for the fact that they work your stabalizer muscles. Do both, i do.
2001/03/28, 08:31 AM
I think it has the same effects..you don't need a spotter when u use the smith mac. that's the best part
2001/04/01, 05:30 AM
I only do squats on smith machine. It really saves my lower back and is alot safer all around than free weight squats.