Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

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sore calves

Posts: 74
Joined: 2002/05/28
United States
2002/06/12, 01:47 PM
Well, now I did it. I promised myself to start easy - I don't know if this is how it is supposed to feel, or if I pulled something.

So, last Sunday morning, I did standing calf raises. All I did was put my toes on a step (held onto the railing for balance) and lower/raised my calf. Each leg did 4 sets of 20 reps.

Now both my calves are so sore, when I just touch them, it hurts. I can still walk, but I certainly feel it. It isn't a sharp pain, it feels like I just pulled my muscles.

Then again, maybe this is what it is supposed to feel like? I never exercised my calves like that before, maybe the muscles weren't used to it?

They are getting better, slowly. And when I stretch them, they feel better. I'm just worried that I did the exercise wrong or if I just did too many too soon.

Anyone with similiar experiences? (I know I saw one posting where someone had hideous pains in their calves such that they could not walk; that isn't me, I can still walk and the pain is bearable, they are just very sore).
Posts: 1,585
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United States
2002/06/12, 01:49 PM
If you keep working it right you'll still get soreness afterwords but it won't be nearly as bad.
Posts: 408
Joined: 2002/03/13
United States
2002/06/12, 02:24 PM
Yes, Miken is right on. I too had this happen when I began my leg routine. I remember saying almost the identical thing to my co-worker. I said that I thought I injured myself because the pain was so intense. Keep on following your program, get rest, and you'll be fine.

"Seven days without exercise makes one weak."
Posts: 343
Joined: 2002/04/21
United States
2002/06/12, 04:23 PM
This is bodybuilding you are tearing that muscle up so more can grow, but you might have went to far...LOL. You are right Mazz your muscles might not have been use to it, wait a while for the pain to go away and hit it again. I have felt that pain before!

Posts: 966
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United States
2002/06/12, 06:24 PM
I got my brother to start the home workout program on Monday (yeah!), so he calls me at home today asking if he has to do the same thing today because he's so sore he doesn't think he'll get through it all. Don't worry, I'll make him do it! >=)
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/06/13, 01:56 AM
Yes the calves really hurts after the first couple of times. I know it's a big bother but don't give up, the next time you'll hardly feel anything.
Don't worry.

- Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....
Posts: 74
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United States
2002/06/13, 07:40 AM
*phew* OK, thanks for the input! At least I know I'm on the right track, but boy does it feel weird! BTW: I found that a little dab of sports creme helps to dull the pain... :)
Posts: 343
Joined: 2002/04/21
United States
2002/06/13, 04:43 PM
I have been working my calves for awhile and I still get pretty sore. This happens often when I work my legs, so soreness like you know, is just gonna have to be accepted with open arms! Reap the rewards of soreness...BIGGER and STRONGER MUSCLES!

Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2002/06/14, 02:31 AM
Hmmm I still hate having sore calves. I can handle everything else but not the calves.... yuck.

- Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....
Posts: 86
Joined: 2002/05/03
United States
2002/06/16, 03:01 AM
I find it very hard to get my calfs sore. I do as much weight as possible low and high reps, even some drop sets. But I always wake up the next feeling the same as before I workout. I hope they grow without soreness...

Vaya con Dios... Keith
Posts: 4
Joined: 2005/07/13
2005/07/13, 04:36 AM
hiyas, what happens if we have some veins probs at the calf areas. Will stretching those muscules worsen the veins condition? eg. spider veins.

Posts: 1
Joined: 2009/08/24
United States
2009/08/24, 07:25 AM
I have gotten calf pain so bad that I have had to quit running. I can barely walk! My calf muscles are sore to the touch. I have enjoyed the input on how to cure this condition. It looks like it is just going to take time and patience.
Posts: 39
Joined: 2004/07/22
United Kingdom
2009/08/24, 11:15 AM
This is technically known as DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Stiffness) and is a well-known phenomenon. The pain is basically caused by microscopic tears in the muscle which as was mentioned way back when this thread was started, then need ot be repaired which leads to a building of muscle size and strength.
The reason your calves get it so much more than other areas of your body when you first start is because you so infrequently use your calf muscles in such an isolated way in normal life. They're therefore totally unprepared for what you put them through and the little tears are much more prevalent.
As said by everyone before, this will wear off over time but in the meantime it is a nightmare (speaking from experience of having to cut my long run down to 7 miles this weekend due to DOMS from Friday's leg weight session!)