I just had a baby in October and my doc has given the ok to excercise but I am worried about my diet reducing my milk supply. I put that I was lactating on my nutrition plan but wanted to see if anyone knew what exactly was still a good diet to ensure production.
I am a breastfeeding mom too... my daughter is 7 months. My experience w/weight loss and breastfeeding is that your milk supply will decrease if you are severely limiting your calories (less than 1800/day), but you should be okay w/that amount & more. I searched online for the fda food guide for breastfeeding moms and it said anywhere between 1900-2500 calories.
Make sure to drink lots of water to ensure proper milk production. And nursing just before you workout is a good idea too, some babies don't like the taste of the lactic acid in your milk after a workout.
Any other questions just ask! I am an experienced mom who has had lots of practice w/nursing & losing weight (mom to 8)...